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view of meeting the immediate heavy expenditures likely to be incurred under the existing troubles, was taken up, and being debated pro and con by Messrs. Lynch, Brannon, Douglass and Wickham, was, on motion of Mr. Thomas, laid on the table. Standing Committees.--The Standing Committees were announced. We append only the nams and Elections.--Mr. Smith. Courts of Justice.--Mr. Coghill. General Laws.--Mr. Logan. Roads and Internal Navigation.--Mr. Paxton. Finance and Claims.--Mr. Brannon. Banks.--Mr. Isbell. Lunatic Asylums.--Mr. Claiborne. Agriculture and Commerce,--Mr. Thompson. Military Flairs.--Mr. August. Penitentiary.--Mr. Dickin State Convention.--The President announced the following committee, under Mr. Dickinson's resolution adopted yesterday: Messrs. Dickinson of P. E., Douglas, Brannon, Armstrong; Coghill, Neeson and French. Remonstrance Against Coercion.--The following joint resolution was offered by Mr. Critcher, and ordered to be printed