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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 9.. You can also browse the collection for Charles Brooks or search for Charles Brooks in all documents.
Your search returned 13 results in 6 document sections:
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 9., The dedication of the soldiers' monument. (search)
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 9., chapter 14 (search)
Record of the family of James Tufts.
James Tufts his Bible September [torn]
Price 2-10-0
[From Bible owned by Mrs. Susan (Richardson) Brooks.]
Lydia Tufts born febrery 24 1724
James Tufts born January 15 1726
Gershom Tufts born July 2 1728 ruth Tufts born december 19 1730 elisebeh Tufts born January 17 1733 hannah Tufts born May 2 1735 ebenezer Tufts born March 18 1737
[Loose Bible leaf]
1774 September [ ] Rev. Mr. David Osgood ordained
Hannah Tufts her Bibble
Bought in the year 1769 Aug [ ]
My Broather Ionathan Hall Died Decm 25th 1753
My wife Died Decm 28th 1753
My mother Hall Died Iany 1th 1754
My Father Hall Died Iany 12th 1754
My Dafter Elizabeth Teel Died Sept 27 1754
My wife died October 25 1766
My Father lames Tufts Died Iune 11-1769 Age 67
Lyda Tufts her Bjble September 16 1735
Price 2-10-0
Jonathan Tufts born february 25 1739 ruth Tufts born June 18 1742
Jsaac Tufts born november 10 1744
April 14 1757 Samll Tufts