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Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 3: (search)
ision, reduced in effective numbers to 1,800 men, worn by privations and discouraged by previous failures, were attacked October 3d by 5,000 Federals under command of Brig.-Gen. J. J. Reynolds. Colonel Johnson, of the Twelfth Georgia, with an advance guard of 100, held the hostile force in check for an hour, giving the remainder of the command time to prepare for defense, and inspiring them to the fight. Among the memorable incidents of this mountain battle was the heroic conduct of Private J. W. Brown, of Company F, First Georgia, who, upon hearing the order for the advance guard to fall back, exclaimed, I will give them one more shot before I leave, and while ramming down his twenty-ninth cartridge fell dead at his post. in forming the line of battle the First Georgia held the extreme right, where a flank attack was feared. Maj. George H. Thompson commanded the regiment, Colonel Ramsey having been cut off by the enemy while serving with Johnson on the advance guard, and Lieutena
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 6: (search)
e, Brig.-Gen. P. J. Phillips —Third regiment, Col. Q. M. Hill; Fourth regiment, Col. R. McMillan; Sixth regiment, Col. J. W. Burney; artillery battalion, Col. C. W. Styles. Third brigade, Brig.-Gen. C. D. Anderson; Fourth brigade, Brig.-Gen. H. K. McKay. The regiments composing the last two brigades are not given in the official records. The artillery. The Ninth battalion Georgia artillery had the following officers at its organization: Maj. A. Leyden, Adjt. G. A. Lofton, Asst. Quartermaster J. W. Brown, Surg. N. A. D'Alvigny; Capts. (A) Elias Holcombe, (B) Wm. W. Sentell, (C) George W. Atkinson, (D) T. M. Peeples, (E) B. F. Wyley. This fine body of troops was at first in Georgia, and in December, 1862, was ordered to east Tennessee to report to Gen. Humphrey Marshall. It served in that department, being part of the time in southeast Kentucky and southwest Virginia. It was in the campaign around Chattanooga in September and October, 1863, and with Longstreet in the Knoxvill