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until he was stricken to the earth, severely wounded; of Capt. Deshler, who directed a rapid fire with marked effect; and of Sarah Graves, who fell mortally wounded in the Cool and gallant discharge of his duty. Peculiarly distinguished among the advanced guard, where all were distinguished, must be recorded the names of Lieut, Gibson, of the Third Arkansas regiment--the officer in immediate command; of private Slayton, of the 31st Virginia regiment, who was severely wounded; and of private J. W. Brown, of Co. 1st Georgia regiment, who, upon hearing the order to fall back, exclaimed; "I will give them one more shot before I leave," and while ramming down his twenty ninth cartridge, fell dead at his post. Nor can I omit mention, in this connection, of Lieut. Col. Bar on, who, in the absence of engineer staff officers, designed, and was in active prosecution of, the works to which we are so much indebted for the defence of our position, and who has shown himself, at all times, promp
t; calf skins waged, $48a55 per dozen. Lime — Mountain unstacked, $1.75 to $2.25 per bbl.; according to quantity. Molasses — New Orleans, 90a95 cents; golden syrups (Richmond) 85 cents. Nails — Old Dominion, 9½ cents. Offal (mill)--Bran, 20 cents; shorts, 25 cents. Brownsfuffs, 50 cents; shipstuffs, 70 cents. Oil — Tanners', $1.12a1.50; machine, $1.50a$2 per gallon. Oats — We quote 90a95 cents per bushels and scarce. Rye — 90a$1.10 per bushel. Sugars — Brown, 12½a14 cents per lb.; coffee, 15½a19 cents; crushed, 23 to 25 cts. Salt — Sales by the sack at $25 for ground alum; fine, $37.50a$40 per sack. Seeds — There are no stocks of clover or timothy. Soda — Best English, 35a40 cents per lb. Tobacco.--Sales of the week show that there it brisk demand in the market, and a decided improvement in prices. We quote Lugs at $3.75 to $4.50; Leaf $5.75 to $10. No prime offering. All now sold is old Tobacco. Tallow