Browsing named entities in James Redpath, The Roving Editor: or, Talks with Slaves in the Southern States.. You can also browse the collection for Joe Brown or search for Joe Brown in all documents.

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ever seen him since. My boy, Millar, says that lie saw him recently, and that he lives with another woman, and has a family by her. The old folks' family. Daniel, my brother, was sold by Sam. Campbell to a man in Clay county, and lives there yet. Mahala, my oldest sister, was given to Mr. Green White, who was married to Mary Ann Campbell. She got married after she went home with them. She had five children by her husband, and then she was sold away from them. Her husband, Joe Brown, was driven out — of the house some three or four years before she was sold; he belonged to another master, and Mr. White did not like him about his house. I know nothing about Joe; his wife was sold somewhere up in Andrew county, and I have heard nothing of her since. I do not think she has ever seen her children from that time. I know that four of them are with Mr. White yet, and that she is not there; and that, about two months after she was taken away, her oldest boy, Henry, was sol