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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.39 (search)
i and Alabama had followed, and on January 19, 1861, the legislature of Georgia, in session at Milledgeville, severed its connection with the Union, and it became a sovereign and independent State. On the 21st the official hand and seal of Governor Joe Brown war fixed to the proclamation, and on the 22nd the Chief Executive reached Augusta. There was a hurrying to and fro of the military officers of the city and a gathering of the forces. Waynesboro was also communicated with, and up from Burke came two companies to take part in the first victory against the Federal troops, which, however, was without conflict, and the first flag was not born with a baptism of blood. On the 23rd Governor Brown made a formal demand on Captain Arnold Elzey, of the 2nd United States Artillery, in command of the arsenal, that the post be turned over to him. In his demand he stated that Georgia was no longer a part of the general government, and, while she desired to be on good terms with the Unite