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The Southern coast. [our own correspondent.] the Yankees yet Undemonstrative — visit of Gov. Brown--the Sall question — Provisions,&c.--Tatnall's fleet Described. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 21, 1862. I take the first leisure moments to write you the occurrences of the past few days, that have been allowed me sinceumber of these being inadequate for any service more than a few rounds. On Saturday, the city was visited by the distinguished Governor, familiarly known as Joe Brown, and he still remains. I understand his Excellency had expected that the Burnside fleet woul assail during this week his eminent domain of Georgia, and had reso foolish and vain act of legislation to impose restriction upon exports. But the benefit of a good example is not to be lost and Florida has fallen in love with Joe Brown as well as the up-country people. On Saturday night the Federals landed and fired upon a picket on Skiddaway Island; the fire was returned, when the party,
t; calf skins waxed, $48a55 per dozen. Lime — Mountain unslacked, $1.75 to $2.25 per bbl.; according to quantity. Molasses — New Orleans, 90a95 cents; golden syrups (Richmond) 85 cents. Nails — Old Dominion, 9½ cents. Offal (mill)--Bran, 20 cents; shorts, 25 cents. Brownstuffs, 30 cents; shipstuffs, 70 cents. Oil — Tanners', $1.12a1.50; machine, $1.50a$2 per gallon. Oats — We quote 80a85 cents per bushel, and scarce. Rye — 90a$1.10 per bushel. Sugars — Brown, 12½a14 cents per lb.; coffee, 15½a19 cents; crushed, 23 to 25 cts. salt — Sales by the sack at $30 for ground alum; fine, $37.50a$40 per sack. Seeds — There are no stocks of clover or timothy. Soda — Best English, 35a40 cents per lb. Tobacco — Sales of the week show that there is considerable animation in the market, and prices higher and firm. We quote lugs at $2.75a$4; common leaf, $4.50a$5.50; good leaf, $6.50a$7.75. No prime offering. All now sold