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t daylight, and taken the Leesburg road. With this intelligence we proceeded on our way, and when about twelve hundred yards further in the woods, our advance suddenly halted and signalized the enemy in sight. Pushing rapidly forward, we soon saw the bayonets glistening above the brush; but for the thick undergrowth, but few of the enemy could be seen. In an instant the head of the columns, by fours came upon the road, within thirty-five yards of us, and five yards of one of our men, (Sergeant Brown.) who held his position when he discovered them. At the same moment, a rise in the ground disclosed to me a long line of bayonets pushing rapidly forward, with the evident intention of flanking the road on our left. I immediately directed a fire on them from our revolvers, which took effect on at least two of them, one an officer, who was leading the column, probably a lieutenant; we wheeled quickly about, when instantly their first platoon opened fire upon us from a distance of not ov
ose of the engagement, four companies of the Seventeenth Ohio regiment came upon the hill and formed in the line of battle. Company E, Captain Fox, Company C, Captain Haines, Company R, Captain Rea, and Company H, Captain Whisson, took their positions with promptness, eager for the fray, under the command of Major Ward. They remained on the field during the day and night, and assisted in fortifying the place. About two o'clock P. M. we were again attacked, and at this time Company C, Capt J. W. Brown, of the Fourteenth Ohio regiment, appeared on the field. They immediately formed and fired upon the enemy, and this company, with others, also assisted in making fortifications. Later at night Company G, Captain Eccles, Company B, Captain Kirk, of the Ohio Fourteenth, Colonel Stedman, reinforced us. At ten o'clock at night Lieut. Sypher, of Capt. Standart's Artillery, came on the hill, and on an alarm fired three rounds: these were the last shots fired. At about two o'clock in the mo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Raid of Forrest's cavalry on the Tennessee river in 1864. (search)
Sale's section (Sale had been left sick in Mississippi)--Morton's battery — in charge of Lieutenant J. W. Brown, was placed on the river bank some 800 yards below Hunter's position, both sections beinppa, with a barge in tow, both heavily laden, unaware of the lurking danger, was allowed to pass Brown's three-inch Rodmans, and when well above us I ordered Brown to run his guns from under cover upBrown to run his guns from under cover up close to the water's edge and open upon her. This was promptly followed by Walton's heavy Parrotts, and with such effect that her machinery was speedily disabled, and she drifted helplessly to the obatteries and fall into the snare. As she approached Fort Heiman a few well-directed shots from Brown's Rodmans and from Walton's 6-inch Parrotts caused her to raise the white flag. General Buford,as he approached the bank, cried out, I will round to at the lower landing. This was just under Brown's section. General Buford and myself repaired to that landing. When approaching she hugged the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Johnsonville. (search)
into the river, as she headed ashore. Now followed round after round from Thrall on the right, Brown and Briggs on the left and Zarring in the center. The troops joined in the din with their rifler position, puffing and blowing bringing with them by hand the section of Morton's battery--Lieutenant Brown commanding — from the works below, and all full of enthusiasm. General Forrest now acted a warehouses and supplies ashore. Observing a large pile of hay, a few well-directed shells from Brown's guns kindled it into a consuming fire that soon spread to vast heaps of bacon, flour and corn se piles of stores that covered acres of the surrounding slope the day before. We now ordered Brown and Briggs to withdraw their guns and rejoin their batteries. As this was being done, a regimen sick in Mississippi. Joe M. Mason, second Lieutenant, left sick at Jackson, Tennessee. J. W. Brown, third Lieutenant, promoted for gallantry on the field, and wounded four times, was killed ne
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 10: (search)
he same way, lower down the Stono, at Battery island, Maj. J. W. Brown, Second artillery, concealed two rifled 24-pounders ithem in the old battery, and kept in hiding for the event. Brown's guns were commanded by Lieuts. John A. Bellinger, Companyarger force, on John's island, between the guns of Gary and Brown. He took two companies of Major Alston's siege train, A an, steamed up the river on the afternoon of the 30th, passed Brown at Battery island and Yates on John's island, and dropped aptain Walpole, rendered Colonel Yates valuable service. Brown, at Battery island, was only to fire in case the batteries friends attempted to go to her rescue. When within range, Brown opened with his rifles, and after a sharp conflict drove hee river. Next morning a larger boat steamed up and engaged Brown's battery, but she would not stand long and expose her sides to rifles, and doing Brown no harm, after being hit several times she dropped down out of range. The guns were all removed
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 3: (search)
ision, reduced in effective numbers to 1,800 men, worn by privations and discouraged by previous failures, were attacked October 3d by 5,000 Federals under command of Brig.-Gen. J. J. Reynolds. Colonel Johnson, of the Twelfth Georgia, with an advance guard of 100, held the hostile force in check for an hour, giving the remainder of the command time to prepare for defense, and inspiring them to the fight. Among the memorable incidents of this mountain battle was the heroic conduct of Private J. W. Brown, of Company F, First Georgia, who, upon hearing the order for the advance guard to fall back, exclaimed, I will give them one more shot before I leave, and while ramming down his twenty-ninth cartridge fell dead at his post. in forming the line of battle the First Georgia held the extreme right, where a flank attack was feared. Maj. George H. Thompson commanded the regiment, Colonel Ramsey having been cut off by the enemy while serving with Johnson on the advance guard, and Lieutena
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 6: (search)
e, Brig.-Gen. P. J. Phillips —Third regiment, Col. Q. M. Hill; Fourth regiment, Col. R. McMillan; Sixth regiment, Col. J. W. Burney; artillery battalion, Col. C. W. Styles. Third brigade, Brig.-Gen. C. D. Anderson; Fourth brigade, Brig.-Gen. H. K. McKay. The regiments composing the last two brigades are not given in the official records. The artillery. The Ninth battalion Georgia artillery had the following officers at its organization: Maj. A. Leyden, Adjt. G. A. Lofton, Asst. Quartermaster J. W. Brown, Surg. N. A. D'Alvigny; Capts. (A) Elias Holcombe, (B) Wm. W. Sentell, (C) George W. Atkinson, (D) T. M. Peeples, (E) B. F. Wyley. This fine body of troops was at first in Georgia, and in December, 1862, was ordered to east Tennessee to report to Gen. Humphrey Marshall. It served in that department, being part of the time in southeast Kentucky and southwest Virginia. It was in the campaign around Chattanooga in September and October, 1863, and with Longstreet in the Knoxvill
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
avalry. William C. Apperson, Co. F, 6th Va. Cavalry. James Lindsay, Co. B, 11th Va. Infantry. Thomas Lawton, Co. C, 4th Va. Infantry. John M. Small, Co. E, 2d Va. Infantry. Jesse W. Lassiter, Co. H, 38th N. C. Troops. James C. Baughn, Brown's Batt. McGregor's Artillery. George Dallas Baughn, Brown's Batt. McGregor's Artillery. [8] Report of extra duty men in Medical Purveyor's Department who have not been reported in their Company rolls, but are present for duty. PrivaBrown's Batt. McGregor's Artillery. [8] Report of extra duty men in Medical Purveyor's Department who have not been reported in their Company rolls, but are present for duty. Private N. C. Summers, Co. C, 4th N. C. Regiment, Q.-M. Sergeant. Peter Heavner, Co. E, 34th N. C. Regiment, Teamster. D. Reid, Co. E, 34th N. C, Regiment, Teamster. M. T. Harris, Co. D, 14th Ala. Regiment, Teamster. [4] List of men on duty as Couriers and Clerks with Chief Quartermaster and Commissary of the Army of Northern Virginia. Sergeant Jno. H. Williams, Co. B, 15th S. C. Vol., courier. M. B. Green, Co. A, 15th S. C. V., courier. Corporal Chas. H. Buskey, Grandy's Ba
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 13., The Congregational Church of West Medford. (search)
comb, H. A. Hanscom, W. J. Barnard, W. W. Benjamin and J. W. Bean were appointed dedication committee. The meeting-house was dedicated by a six-day service. The first was on Sunday morning, January 8, 1905, former pastors Cutter and Hood taking part, with sermon by Rev. Edward C. Moore, D. D., prayer of dedication by the pastor, followed by reception of members and Communion. The Bible school rally followed, with brief addresses by former Superintendents Hippisley, Parker, D. H. Brown, J. W. Brown, Hanson and Gerrish. At the four o'clock vesper service Rev. A. P. Davis of Wakefield, Rev. George M. Butler and Rev. John Wild voiced the greetings of the Woburn Conference, the Mystic Church and the Union Church. Christian Endeavor rally occurred at 7 o'clock, when Mr. George W. Loggie, treasurer of Mass. C. E. Union delivered an address. Greetings from the churches of other denominations in Medford were brought by the pastors of each to the fellowship service on Monday evening.
first attempt in that direction ought to be resisted by Virginia, and favoring secession. Mr. Forres, of Rockingham, presented a series of reunion resolutions from that county. Referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. Military Defences. Mr. Richardson, of Hanover, moved that the Convention take up his resolution on the military strength of the State--a like motion having been lost yesterday for want of a full vote. Mr. Richardson demanded the yeas and nays. Mr.Brown, of Preston, opposed the taking up of the resolution. He thought the agitation of any subjects foreign to the purposes of the Convention would have a tendency to depreciate State stock. The motion to take up was lost — ayes 35, noes 46. Order of the day. The Convention then resolved itself into Committee of the Whole, (Mr. Southall, of Albemarle, in the Chair,) and proceeded to the consideration of the reports from the Committee on Federal Relations. The Chairman said the