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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
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to be done to maintain the peace, dignity, and sovereignty of the State. 6. Order Col. Bowen's whole command to proceed at once to the said camp and report to the commanding officer for duty. Doubtless, many things which ought to be done, will occur to your Excellency which have not to me, and your Excellency may deem what I have suggested as improper or unnecessary. If so, I can only say, that I have been actuated solely by a sense of official duty in saying what I have, and will most cheerfully acquiesce in whatever course your Excellency may lay down for my government. I would not have presumed to have advised your Excellency, but for the fact that you were kind enough to express a desire to consult with me upon these subjects on your recent visit to this city. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, D. M. Frost, Brig.-Gen. Com. First Mil. Dist. of Mo. P. S. I highly approve of the suggestions of Gen. Frost, and await your commands. J. A. Brownlee.