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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Union men of Maryland. (search)
practice in the State the same Fabian tactics that President Lincoln so successfully carried out in his management of National affairs. This policy on the part of the Governor was a wise one-at least it was so up to the 18th of April, 1861. He paid respect to the opinions and humored the prejudices of the great body of his people, being himself, in fact, one of them. He possessed great personal popularity. His appearance told much in his favor. He had a downright honest look — a very John Bull he was-softened with a most benevolent expression of countenance. Of medium stature, thick set, rather corpulent, with broad head and face, strong features, prominent chin, mouth shutting firmly down upon molar teeth in front, easy in address, and of dignified carriage, he gave assurance of a man that could do the State some service. He had not the learning of the schools, for he had come up from the ranks, where, in his youthful days, one could scarcely find even that little learning wh
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Death of General John H. Morgan. (search)
enitentiary, he reorganized his command and entered Kentucky again. The expedition was unfortunate, and he returned to Virginia, and from thence operated in East Tennessee. He formed a plan to attack a brigade of Tennessee and Michigan troops at Bull's gap, above Knoxville. On the 3d of September he arrived in Greenville, his command camping near by, and a portion of his staff taking up their quarters at the residence of Mrs. Williams. This is the finest residence in Greenville — a large doue prime cause of the calamity to his command and death of himself was owing to the fact that he had ridden his troops very rapidly; they were worn out, and the pickets on the east side of the town fell asleep. Colonel Miller, who was posted near Bull's gap, did not know of the presence of Morgan in that part of the country until six P. M., September 3d. It is said that a woman brought him the news, and many pictures have been painted of her rapid horseback ride from Greenville to the gap; but
Thomas C. DeLeon, Four years in Rebel capitals: an inside view of life in the southern confederacy, from birth to death., Chapter 31: the Chinese-Wall blockade, abroad and at home. (search)
France than England; the scale tilting, perhaps, by weight of Franco-Latin influence among the people, perhaps by belief in the suggested theories of the third Napoleon. Therefore, intimations of French recognition were always more welcomed than false rumors about English aid. In the North also prevailed an idea that France might interveneor even recognize the Confederacy-before colder England; but that did not cause impartial Jonathan to exhibit less bitter, or unreasoning, hatred of John Bull. Yet, as a practical fact, the alleged neutrality of the latter was far more operative against the South than the North. For-omitting early recognition of a blockade, invalid under the Treaty of Paris-England denied both belligerent navies the right to refit-or bring in prizes-at her ports. Now, as the United States had open ports and needed no such grace, while the South having no commerce thus afforded no prizes-every point of this decision was against her. Equally favoring the N
t abandoning Lee, The Cotton State Legions of Lee, Care little for Richmond — that Davis & Co. Have packed up their traps and are ready to go To some safer refuge down South--that, in fine, In Georgia they next will establish their shrine, And leave old Virginia to Lee. But it is our impression that Lee, And this wonderful army of Lee, Are moving with Washington still in their eyes, Looming up as the grand and desirable prize Which will gain the alliance of England and France, And bring in John Bull to assist in the dance, Hand in hand with the army of Lee. 'Tis the last chance remaining to Lee, And the last to this army of Lee, And the last to Jeff Davis; for, sure as they fail In this desperate game, nothing else will avail To keep their frail craft and its masters adrift, Or to rescue from ruin, disastrous and swift, This grand rebel army of Lee. All these Border State movements of Lee Are but the diversions of Lee To divide our main army which holds him at bay, To divide it, and c
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 1: effect of the battle of Bull's Run.--reorganization of the Army of the Potomac.--Congress, and the council of the conspirators.--East Tennessee. (search)
ry thing possible to be done to render their situation endurable, was employed. They formed a club called The Richmond Prison. Association, of which Mr. Ely was made President, July 26, 1861. and at their first meeting, held on the day of organization, they were enlivened by speeches, songs, and toasts. For a full account of prison-life in this Richmond tobacco warehouse, see Ely's Journal; Lieutenant Harris's Prison Life in Richmond; Five Months in Rebeldom, or Notes from the Diary of a Bull's Rum Prisoner; and General Corcoran's Captivity. Among the early prisoners was Lieutenant Isaac W. Hart, of Indiana, whose praise was on the lips of all his fellow-captives, because of his overflowing spirits, vivacity, and, wit. He told funny stories and sung good songs. One composed by himself, always provoked hopeful feelings. when he sang it. It was entitled The prisoner's song, and its burden was the prospect of a speedy exchange. Its concluding words were :--And when we arrive in th
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 2: civil and military operations in Missouri. (search)
July he was appointed to the important command in the West just mentioned. The Western Department was created on the 6th of July, and comprised the State of Illinois, and the States and Territories west of the Mississippi and east of the Rocky Mountains, including New Mexico. Headquarters at St. Louis. He remained a short time in New York,. where he made arrangements for over twenty thousand stand of arms, with munitions of war, to be sent to his Department. On hearing of the disaster at Bull's Ruln, he left for the West, and arrived at St. Louis on the 26th of July, where Colonel Harding, Lyon's Adjutant-General, was in command. Fremont had already issued orders for General John Pope to proceed from Alton, in Illinois, with troops to suppress the, armed Secessionists in Northern Missouri, John C. Fremont. who, as we have observed, had commenced the destruction of railways, and depredations upon the Unionists. Fremont made his Headquarters in St. Louis at the house of the l
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
uld let the fellows, as it called them, alone. England would have done just as much, it said, for two negroes. this language produced both indignation and alarm throughout the Confederacy, for it was significant of a policy on the part of great Britain in favor of entire non-interference. The Richmond Enquirer said, England may dishonor herself if she will. She may prove false to her duty if she choose. Thank Heaven, we are not dependent upon her, and her course will not affect ours. John Bull is a surly animal, we know, but such gratuitous rudeness shows a want of practical sense as well as good manners. gave the following contemptuous notice of their arrival, on which occasion they were almost unnoticed: Messrs. Mason and Slidell have arrived. Already the seven weeks heroes have shrunk to their natural dimensions, and the apprehensions expressed by the London times, by ourselves, and by other journals, lest they should have a triumphal reception, already seems absurd. L
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Concerning Shirts. (search)
in, after a shabby genteel fashion. Not a bit of it. The eve of the Destroying Angel will pierce through broadcloth, and discover our deficiency in Cotton Shirts. The deduction of the Eternity of Slavery from the Necessity of Shirts is not a pleasant one, but we must take it as it comes. Once, in England, they used to put the case a little differently. There it was said that Man could not live by Bread alone, but must have Rum with Sugar in it. Then the formula ran-No Slaves, No Rum and Sugar. D — it, said honest John Bull, in that case, I will fall back upon my Beer and Brandy. This was easy to say, but when it comes to going without a Shirt, John recalcitrates. But, then, if Slavery cannot continue, is doomed and justly doomed by God and Man to extinction, what follows? Why, that we must resign ourselves to Shirtlessness, or at least to Cotton Shirtlessness. There is nothing more to say. The thing is fixed, and very bad it is — for the washerwomen! December 7, 18
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Prophecies and Probabilities. (search)
Rebellion, it is certainly kind in The Times to admit that we shall probably put it down. Great reputations for sagacity have been made before in the same easy way. But we trust that we shall not painfully dishearten holders of government securities when we tell then, that in the opinion of The Times, though we can crush the revolt, we cannot pay our debts; because we are heartily assured that when we have paid. them, the same far-sighted writers will invent a. brannew bugbear. At present, Bull will have it that although victorious we are insolvent. Really, we do not remember anything cooler than this. With an immense commerce, with an unequalled agricultural production, with small foreign liabilities, with a monopoly of two great staples, and the abundant production of a third, with a people eminently skilled, by the confession of their rivals, in the art of accumulating wealth, with a territory capable of limitless production, with great fisheries and great mines, our public pap
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Roland for Oliver. (search)
y entertaining. He has dealt lightly enough, he thinks, with men who, fifty times over, have forfeited their lives. He has n't smoked them to death, as the soldiers of Claverhouse did the Covenanters; he has n't roasted them as the French did the Algerines; he has n't scalped them, and tomahawked wives and mothers, as the Indians under British colors did at Wyoming; he has n't looted private property after the fashion of the English in China; he has n't blown his prisoners from his guns, as Bull did at Delhi; he has resorted to extreme penalties only when the law demanded them, and the commonest punishment which he has inflicted has been banishment to an island, where, only a little while ago, his own soldiers were quartered. It seems to us, after the fullest consideration, that a retort like this is perfectly fair. Gen. Butler may well urge in his own defence that England, with all her immense resources, has never found the work of arresting a rebellion a mere holiday task. He