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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 7, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Burns or search for John Burns in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: February 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], Boston courtesy to a Southern merchant. (search)
Called Court.
--A special session of the Court of Hustings was held yesterday.
Present--Aldermen Sanxay, Hill, Regnault, Beveridge, Bray and Timberlake.
Dan'l. W. Lee and Robert Brannan, charged with stabbing John Burns with intent to kill, and breaking into the house of Robert England and assaulting his wife, were arragned for examination; and the Court having heard the evidence, sent the prisoners on to be tried before Judge Lyons, at the next term of his Court.
The prisoners were admitted to bail in the sum of $300 each.