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Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 10: camping in Washington; in command of a brigade (search)
of New York, quiet, watchful, self-poised; Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, with his tall form, ready wit, and tender, benevolent soul; Senator Morgan, of New York, of giant proportions, large purse, and larger heart; Senator Harris, of the same State, noble in bearing and in character; Secretary Seward, dignified and distant to young men, sanguine of our speedy success; Governor Sprague, of Rhode Island, very young, and putting youthful life into his well-equipped regiments; his colonel, Burnside, in uniform, handsome as a picture; Colonel A. McD. McCook, with the First Ohio Regiment, never fuller of happy humor, ready for anything that might occur; and Colonel Daniel Butterfield, commanding the Twelfth New York, then encamped in Franklin Square, himself the best dressed, the most self-contained, calm, and ambitious. We had occasional glimpses of General Irwin McDowell. For years I had heard and seen his name connected with the orders from General Scott, and was surprised to fin
of Hunter's command, then just arrived at Sudley Church. Burnside's handsome Rhode Island brigade, Hunter's advance, which then with the remainder of the division taking a rest. Burnside deployed under the eye of McDowell, and his front swept omore. Evans first sent a regiment up the Bull Run toward Burnside and then very soon changed his whole front to the left anr toward the Manassas and Sudley Springs road in front of Burnside's skirmishers; he posted his men so as to face north, covot a thousand men. McDowell, on the high ground behind Burnside, not far from Sudley's Ford, took his post and had a fairEvans's Confederates opened a vigorous fire, which caused Burnside's brigade to halt in confusion. Then McDowell, through his staff, hastened Andrew Porter's brigade to Burnside's support. Johnston and Beauregard before this, by eight o'clock, ort a few hundred yards off. To my left and nearer I saw Burnside's men, who had come back from the field with their musket
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 13: General E. V. Sumner and my first reconnoissance (search)
navy attack on Mobile. His idea of essential approaches to New Orleans embraced Baton Rouge, La., and Jackson, Miss. Burnside received his instructions to first attack Roanoke Island, its defenses and adjacent coast points. These positive instMcClellan was simply the soldier front of this view, a conscientious exponent of the policy. I had reason to remember Burnside's going forth, for he was permitted to take with his other troops to North Carolina my Fourth Rhode Island Regiment. Onowing a dispatch which directed him to report immediately at Annapolis. He was an excellent officer and a great gain to Burnside. He died from wounds received in the battle of Antietam. The Fourth Rhode Island had as chaplain an Episcopal clergymabeing on detail as my orderly, remained with me till his death in Georgia during the campaign of 1864. When the news of Burnside's attack reached us from Roanoke and thirty-five men were reported killed, I was as anxious as a father to hear of the s
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 17: Second battle of Bull Bun (search)
to the Rapiaan. Jackson's advance had been for the purpose of defeating the portion of Pope's army reported isolated at Culpeper Court House. A few days after this battle, Lee discovered our transports running from the James to Aquia Creek. Burnside with his command back from North Carolina was already at Fredericksburg. Lee organized his troops into two wingsLongstreet to command the right, Jackson the left, and Stuart the cavalry, Lee himself taking the field in person. This force numbered between fifty and sixty thousand. Lee moved toward Pope, at first directly. Pope now had all of McDowell's corps and part of Burnside's. The rest of the latter was retained to guard the lower fords of the Rappahannock. As soon as Lee began to advance in earnest, Pope drew back to the north side of the Rappahannock, placing Banks to keep his center near the railroad crossing. McDowell was designated to hold the left and lower crossings, and Sigel the right and upper, while the active
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 18: the battle of South Mountain (search)
er 13th McClellan simplified his organization. The right wing was assigned to Burnside, the left to Franklin, and the center to Sumner. Burnside had two corps-HookeBurnside had two corps-Hooker's and Reno's; Franklin two-his own and Porter's; Sumner two-his own and Mansfield's. As each corps commander had three divisions, except Mansfield and Porter, who h's watching force, backing up our own cavalry in that direction. Meanwhile, Burnside's wing, followed by the remainder of Sumner's forces, hurried straight forwardnton contented himself with reconnoissances for information. Early, the 14th, Burnside having sent him an infantry brigade he so located a battery as to cover an advatch's route, at dawn of the next day, showed the severity of the struggle. Burnside had detached General John Gibbon from Hooker to keep up a connection with Renoof the wounded men who with fortitude were suppressing the evidences of pain. Burnside was riding around among his troops. They generally looked pleased and hopeful
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 19: the battle of Antietam; I succeed Sedgwick in command of a division (search)
as an apex, this road crossed the Antietam at Burnside's bridge and forked when it reached higher grimmediate assault. He could not at first get Burnside with his left wing to understand or execute wumner's, were destined for the right column. Burnside's command, consisting of four divisions with g little likelihood of McClellan's left under Burnside doing him much damage, almost stripped that q There was only the Ninth Corps on the left. Burnside with Hooker away simply commanded Cox. The Ninth Corps that day had virtually two heads, Burnside and Cox. At 7 A. M. of the 17th McClellan ordered Burnside to prepare to assault and take the bridge, but, when ready, to wait for his word. The to'clock sent the word. Why, nobody knows, but Burnside, standing with Cox, did not receive the ordere ammunition of the leading division, so that Burnside had to send over Willcox's command to make rem through the village of Sharpsburg and on to Burnside's front. Of course, Burnside's move should h[5 more...]
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 20: General Burnside assumes command of the army of the Potomac (search)
arrival, that McClellan had been removed, and Burnside assigned to the command of the army. The eter, after reading the dispatch, passed it to Burnside, and said simply: You command the army. InMcClellan. Soon after this interview I met Burnside, who appeared sad and weary. He had been forem preparatory to future movements. That was Burnside's plan of campaign. Who could say before thes a chance of success if he moves quickly. Burnside unwisely left two most important things to Haht move his columns. On November 15, 1862, Burnside's march for Falmouth began. The right grand reported to Sumner, he dispatched a letter to Burnside, asking permission to cross immediately and sas playing a part, and possibly hoping to get Burnside well into winter quarters without anybody beicularly to blame. The detail which fretted Burnside would be amusing, were it not so serious a ma They were there helpless ten miles away from Burnside. Major Spaulding at Anacostia at last secure[26 more...]
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 21: battle of Fredericksburg (search)
o'clock of December 11th Franklin reported to Burnside that the lower bridges were in readiness. Th Before many men had reached the south shore Burnside changed his orders, sending over, only one brhe Massaponax, less than a mile away. Thus Burnside's army faced that of Lee. During the 12th Burn was not adopted. Strange as it may appear, Burnside was evidently relying on Sumner's grand divisstrengthened by rifle trenches and abatis. Burnside's orders to Franklin, which he received at so carry the message and remain with Franklin. Burnside now directed that the whole grand division beficient to carry out the letter and spirit of Burnside's new order. Meade's division was taken for r hardihood. So much for our amour propre. Burnside having heard from Franklin and from his own sgregated 1,328 officers and men. At first, Burnside, saddened by the repulse of his attacks in evstrewn with the blue uniforms of our dead. Burnside closed this remarkable tragedy by deciding to[4 more...]
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 22: battle of Chancellorsville (search)
After the battle of Fredericksburg we returned to the same encampments which we had left to cross the Rappahannock, and on January 27, 1863, orders from the President, dated the day before, placed our Fighting Joe Hooker in command of the army. Burnside, Sumner, and Franklin were relieved. For a few days General Couch went to take Sumner's place over the grand division. This gave me command of the Second Corps. But very soon, among the changes made by Hooker, the grand division organization nding misgivings respecting General Hooker, whose California record had been ransacked, and whose private conduct had been canvassed, the army received him kindly. He had been a little hard, in his camp conferences, upon McClellan, and for poor Burnside he had shown no mercy. My own feeling at that time was that of a want of confidence in the army itself. The ending of the peninsular work, the confusion at the termination of the seeond battle of Bull Run, the incompleteness of Antietam, an
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 27: Chattanooga and the battle of Missionary Ridge (search)
e, and said: It means that Bragg is intending to run away. Longstreet's departure to assail, Burnside's force, then at Knoxville, and the fear that Bragg might go, had induced Grant to order an attth the Fourth Corps off soon enough for Knoxville, and that Sherman must turn north at once, or Burnside would be overwhelmed by Longstreet. Sherman answered: Why not send Howard with me? Grant,out loss. Sherman and I came together about thirteen miles from Knoxville. A messenger from Burnside here met us and told the good news that Longstreet, hearing of our approach, had raised the siege and gone off to join Lee's army in Virginia. Burnside, after the dreadful battle in which Colonel Saunders and hundreds of men were killed, was expecting every day that Longstreet would renew hiur commands and then, while they were resting in a good camp, rode together the thirteen miles. Burnside was delighted to see us, and gave us a turkey dinner. The loyal East Tennessee people had kept