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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Colonel James Gregory Hodges. (search)
er in 1855 he gave untiring and faithful devotion to the sick day and night from the beginning to the end of the epidemic. He was elected mayor of the city of Portsmouth April, 1856, and again in April 1857. The Third regiment of Virginia volunteers of this city was organized in 1856, and Dr. James Gregory Hodges was elected colonel; David J. Godwin, lieutenant colonel; William C. Wingfield, major; John W. H. Wrenn, adjutant; C. W. Murdaugh, commissary; John Hobday, quartermaster; Dr. H. F. Butt, surgeon, and Dr. V. B. Bilisoly, assistant surgeon. At the time of the organization of the regiment it was composed of the following companies: Portsmouth Rifle Company, Capt. John C. Owens; Old Dominion Guard, Capt. Edward Kearn; the National Grays, Capt. John E. Deans; the Marion Rifles, Capt. Johannis Watson; the Union Guard, Capt. Nathaniel Edwards, and the Dismal Swamp Rangers, Capt. James C. Choat. On Saturday, the 20th day of April, 1861, when the regiment was ordered by Gov. L
d as hypercritical to complain. But even in this case, it is a hard measure to move competent men who have borne the heat and burden of the day in expending their efforts to raise and organize companies, and then to be displaced from positions for which they have been acknowledged as qualified But it becomes doubly grievous when they are displaced by appointees who stand in the same relation to a military education as they. But why remove the medical officers? It is influentially questioning their ability, though in such cases it is simply making way for some favorite or friend, or friend's friend. I learn that the officers of the 3d Regiment of Volunteers raised in this city and vicinity, are to be superceded from the present Colonel, who has always manitested a lively interest in it from its origin down to the present time. I learned yesterday that the surgeon, Doctor H. F. Butt, of this city, is to be superceded by Doctor Dann, of Petersburg. Why is this? Old Dominion.