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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Diary of Major R. C. M. Page, Chief of Confederate States artillery, Department of Southwest Virginia and East Tennessee, from October, 1864, to May, 1865. (search)
's battery, tolerably complete, and remnants of Lynch's and Byrne's batteries. As Vaughan was about to advance into East Ten Ammunition overhauled and carefully repacked. Lynch's and Byrne's remnants ordered back to Wytheville. Former consisted ofn captured at Vicksburg and the rest reported unexchanged. Byrne's remnant: Two brass 12-pound howitzers, two Atlanta 3 inch rifles, no caissons. Captain Byrne reported as wounded and in hospital at Charlottesville, Va. Present for duty: Lieutenantigade, by order of General Morgan during his raid. Rest of Byrne's officers and men reported captured in Morgan's raid and nicers, and four hundred and fifty-three privates, including Byrne's four acting gun-corporals. Total effective force, five hd in condemning as worthless every gun at Wytheville except Byrne's two 12-pound howitzers, including especially the two AtlaCaptain Semple's ordnance store at Wytheville. Lynch's and Byrne's companies merged into one under command of Captain Lynch,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
t. Samuel J., 143, 192. Burgoyne, Gen., John, 9. Burke, Lt., Edmund, 92. Burks, Lt. James L., 60. Burn, O. J., 175. Burnside, Gen. A. E., 31. Burroughs' Battery, 60, 61. Burroughs, Lt. John J., 60. Burroughs, Capt. W. H., 60, 62, 64, 65. Burrows, F. M., 175. Burrows, Sergeant M. M., 91. Burrows, S. L., 175. Butler, Gen. B. F., 190. Butler, Major, 76. Butler, U. S. Senato M. C., Address Southern Genius. 281, 416. Butler, Lt. W E., 59. Butler, Capt. Y. N., 152, 168. Byrne's Battery, 58, 59, 61. Byron, Lord, 432. Cabell, Col., Geo. C., 223. Cabell, Prof. J. L, 58. Cairo, 81. Caldwell's History of Gregg's Brigade, cited, 21, 22. Calder, James, 175. Calhoun, John C., 254, 282; monument to, 396. Callahan, Lt., 174. Camden District, S. C., Heroes of, 1776-1861, 3, 5, 7; Battle of, 10, 12. Campbell, 9. Campbell, Col. A. W., 314. Campbell, James, 396. Campbell, Hon. John A., 318. Campbell, Hon. J. A. P., 232, 275. Campbell, Gen., Wm.,