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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
Surgeon, June 30, ‘64. 9th Arkansas Regiment. Captured Jan. 26, ‘64. Aug. 23,‘64, headquarters A. T. Transferred to Hospital Department. Buffington, T. C., Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War Sept. 2, ‘61, to report to Surgeon-General. Byrne, William J., Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War May 30, ‘63, to rank from Nov. 26, ‘62, report to General Bragg. Passed Board Nov. 24, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, 9th Kentucky Regiment, Sept. 30, ‘63, 9th Kentucky Regiment, Nov. 30, ‘62, Dec. 31, on, S. C., Oct. 5, ‘63, as Assistant Surgeon, Oct. 14, ‘63, ordered to report to S. H. Stout. McCOWN, Alex., contract $80 pr. Assistant Surgeon. Contract with S. H. Stout, Feb. 1, ‘63. Feb. 28, ‘63, Foard's Hospital, Chattanooga, May 31, ‘63, Byrne's Battalion Cavalry. Dec. 14, ‘63, reported from Federal prison. Dec. 14, ‘63, ordered to report to Capt. L. D. Greenlaw, comd. Post Calhoun. McDonald, Henry C., contract $80. Contract made by Col. S. S. Stanton of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
Asylum, those from the Richmond Orphan Asylum, the lads from the Young Men's Christian Association, and an organization known to itself as the Sheep Hill Ruffle-necks. Every child carried a flag or a banner, and the scene created by the contingent of young America as they marched through the streets to martial music and inspiring drum-tap, was indeed picturesque and impressive. They were commanded by Mr. D. Smith Redford, who had as his staff Messrs. Gibbs, Jones, Winfree, Chesley, Crump, Byrne, Wren, Batkins, Phillips and Deane. Next in line were the cadets of the Virginia Military Institute, 18o strong, commanded by Colonel Charles R. Marshall, a man of wide military experience. A more magnificent specimen of youthful soldiery has never been seen here than this corps appeared as it drew up into line just to the right of Chief-Marshal Fitz Lee and his staff. They marched as an escort to General Lee, and they were the cynosure of all eyes. The lads from the Institute were cla