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the mean time, forces of the enemy were concentrating upon me at Callaghan's over every available road but one, which was deemed impracticaburnt, together with the potash factory. Started next morning for Callaghan's; during the morning captured one hundred and fifty cattle, that an extensive saltpetre works, which we destroyed. We arrived at Callaghan's at four o'clock, where we heard of the operations of General Du the home guard and a number of fine horses, and pushed on toward Callaghan's. The advance crossed the second bridge and surprised a rebel pipt one of the party, the captain, who escaped. When we reached Callaghan's, strong pickets were sent out on all the roads. We began to brternoon, the brigade started up a path that led up a ravine, from Callaghan's to the top of the Alleghanies, and crossed with the artillery, y held the one leading to Huntersville. A rebel column came to Callaghan's the same evening, and encamped five miles from us. Our march
pahannock, and, between eleven and twelve o'clock that night, reported myself to the brigadier-general commanding the division. On the way, however, having crossed the upper pontoon-bridge, I had to pass the houses that had been taken for hospitals for our brigade that morning, and in them found several officers and men who had been brought in from the field during the short time I was on the other side of the river. Most of them were in great pain ; two or three of them — the brave Lieut. Callaghan, of the Sixty-ninth, was one of them — were in great agony, not having had any thing to sustain or soothe them since they received their wounds. Lieut. Emmet, who accompanied me, instantly returned to the camp where I had left the wounded, to bring over surgical and medical assistance to the sufferers. Dr. Powell, of the Eighty-eighth, promptly obeyed the order conveyed by the gallant young lieutenant, and by his skill and devotion brought comparative ease and happiness to many a suff
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Third winter. (search)
Springs road and concentrates his column for the night at Callaghan's. From this point he ascends Jackson's River as far as iore on the east into Jackson's River Valley, and to reach Callaghan's follow the way through which he has effected his return the mountain, near the source of Dunlap's Creek; that of Callaghan's is at the point where the road from Lewisburg to Covinge line; it is the main point of the nearest railroad from Callaghan's, from which it is separated only by thirty-eight miles one of his trains, again destroys his depots, crosses to Callaghan's on the 13th, and bivouacs at night on the banks of Dunliver, has descended that river; he occupies Covington and Callaghan's, thus shutting closely the entrance of the valley againom the entrance of the valley of Cow-Pasture River, quits Callaghan's and Covington, leaving but a mere guard on the bridges t Covington, and at a stretch pursues his route as far as Callaghan's. The first game is won: the Confederates have been baff
e golden age of their trade with Japan, and the epoch of their alliance with the Emperor of Ceylon. In 1611 their ships once again braved the frosts of the Arctic circle in search of a new way to China; and it was a Dutch discoverer, Schouten, from Hoorn, Chap. XV.} 1616. who, in 1616, left the name of his own beloved seaport on the southernmost point of South America. In the same year a report was made of further dis- Ms. from E. B. O'Callaghan. Brodhead's Hist. of N. Y. 79, 80. O Callaghan's Hist. coveries in North America. Three Netherlanders—who went up the Mohawk valley, struck a branch head's Of the, Delaware, and made their way to Indians near the site of Philadelphia—were found by Cornelis Hendricksen, as he came in the Unrest to explore the bay and rivers of Delaware. On his return to Holland in 1616, the merchants by whom he had been employed claimed the discovery of the country between thirty-eight and forty degrees. He described the inhabitants as trading in sabl
about one mile and a half from Redmond's rancho, with about seventy men, and completely round him — killing seven of his men and wounding several, and dispersing the place; he got a great many horses, saddles, guns, &c. Cortina passed on the 20th, about nine miles below, and had Capt. Benavides completely hemmed up in Redmond's house, hoping to starve him out, and firing on him from time to time. One of Benavides' men volunteered to take an express through the enemy at Laredo, and Lieut. Callaghan started from there at 8 o'clock P. M., and arrived here at 9 o'clock next morning, riding sixty-five miles in thirteen hours, accompanied by Don Bacilto Benavides and several citizens of Laredo. With twenty men of the company he met, about two miles from here, Cortina's advanced guard, but ran through them, completely dispersing them; they having left their horses, saddles, and a great many of them left their guns. In five minutes after arriving, they, with Capt. Benavides, went o
Trott in command.--Killed: Lt Geo L Trott and Jno Bain. Wounded: Capt Chas E Cormler, 1st Lt Jos Taylor, Jacob Euredorf, Geo Almindinger, Avery Breed, Nat Burns, Henry Coleman, Wm Hunter, J T Lorains, Robt Jackson, Wm Tripple. Missing: Robt Garroway and James M Grant. Total killed 2, wounded 12, missing 2. Company K, Capt Wm L Randall.--Killed: Pat Moran and Thos Reardon. Wounded: Capt Wm L Randall, Lt Jas Malloy, Corp Jeremiah Keller, A Crowmeller, Jno Doan, Phillip Georges, Wm O' Callaghan, Chas Thiell, Geo Zugger. Missing: Samuel J Block. Total killed 2, wounded 9, missing 1. Recapitulation--Total number of officers and men engaged, 358 Casualties: Killed 20, wounded 120, missing 5. Total 145. Capt. M. Nolan, Com'g 1st La. F. L. Fortier, Lt. and Act'g Adjt. Miscellaneous. Col Starke, 60 Virginia, left hand shattered. Col Johnson, 13th Georgia, mortally wounded. Maj Burke, Capt Brooks, Capt Street, Capt Jett, wounded; Lieut C T Goolrick, wound
As I passed the scene of the Dry creek fight, I could see in the trees and houses and fences the evidences of its spirited character. A very intelligent lady at the tollgate, who witnessed the whole, showed us where the different forces were stationed, and described the events with considerable navaid. From the accounts of prisoners the intention of the enemy was to destroy the White Sulphur. You will perceive how narrow was the escape when I tell you that the enemy had advanced from Callaghan's, blockading the road behind, and had gotten within a mile of Dry creek, when our troops came into the turnpike at Dry creek by the Anthony's creek road, quite unaware that the enemy were in such close proximity.--Had they been a few moments later the enemy would have passed, and probably would have accomplished their fiendish purposes. As it is, a few of them are here as wounded prisoners. Everybody out here expresses chagrin at the escape of the Yankee force. They had to open the roa
They burned the barn and out houses of Mr. James Calwell living at the bridge three miles east of town, and set fire to the brick dwelling, but it was put out by Mr. Calwell's servants. At this place they robbed Mrs. Captain Robert F. Dennis of her furs, clothes, jewelry, &c. In what is known as the Irish Corner, some six or seven miles from the town of Lewisburg, they robbed a number of houses. They had no respect of persons, and robbed those who were supposed to be Union men, as readily and thoroughly as other persons. Gen. Averill's forces did not stop there, but came on east, as we stated in last week's issue. At Callaghan's the Chaplain of the regiment set the example of robbery by breaking open the store of Mr. Buster at that place. Mr. Buster called the attention of the Colonel of his regiment to the fact, when the Chaplain received the benefit not only of a reproof, but of a terrible cursing, and threat of speedy punishment in this world, in the form of horsewhipping.