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pahannock, and, between eleven and twelve o'clock that night, reported myself to the brigadier-general commanding the division. On the way, however, having crossed the upper pontoon-bridge, I had to pass the houses that had been taken for hospitals for our brigade that morning, and in them found several officers and men who had been brought in from the field during the short time I was on the other side of the river. Most of them were in great pain ; two or three of them — the brave Lieut. Callaghan, of the Sixty-ninth, was one of them — were in great agony, not having had any thing to sustain or soothe them since they received their wounds. Lieut. Emmet, who accompanied me, instantly returned to the camp where I had left the wounded, to bring over surgical and medical assistance to the sufferers. Dr. Powell, of the Eighty-eighth, promptly obeyed the order conveyed by the gallant young lieutenant, and by his skill and devotion brought comparative ease and happiness to many a suff