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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Third winter. (search)
Springs road and concentrates his column for the night at Callaghan's. From this point he ascends Jackson's River as far as iore on the east into Jackson's River Valley, and to reach Callaghan's follow the way through which he has effected his return the mountain, near the source of Dunlap's Creek; that of Callaghan's is at the point where the road from Lewisburg to Covinge line; it is the main point of the nearest railroad from Callaghan's, from which it is separated only by thirty-eight miles one of his trains, again destroys his depots, crosses to Callaghan's on the 13th, and bivouacs at night on the banks of Dunliver, has descended that river; he occupies Covington and Callaghan's, thus shutting closely the entrance of the valley againom the entrance of the valley of Cow-Pasture River, quits Callaghan's and Covington, leaving but a mere guard on the bridges t Covington, and at a stretch pursues his route as far as Callaghan's. The first game is won: the Confederates have been baff