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Trott in command.--Killed: Lt Geo L Trott and Jno Bain. Wounded: Capt Chas E Cormler, 1st Lt Jos Taylor, Jacob Euredorf, Geo Almindinger, Avery Breed, Nat Burns, Henry Coleman, Wm Hunter, J T Lorains, Robt Jackson, Wm Tripple. Missing: Robt Garroway and James M Grant. Total killed 2, wounded 12, missing 2. Company K, Capt Wm L Randall.--Killed: Pat Moran and Thos Reardon. Wounded: Capt Wm L Randall, Lt Jas Malloy, Corp Jeremiah Keller, A Crowmeller, Jno Doan, Phillip Georges, Wm O' Callaghan, Chas Thiell, Geo Zugger. Missing: Samuel J Block. Total killed 2, wounded 9, missing 1. Recapitulation--Total number of officers and men engaged, 358 Casualties: Killed 20, wounded 120, missing 5. Total 145. Capt. M. Nolan, Com'g 1st La. F. L. Fortier, Lt. and Act'g Adjt. Miscellaneous. Col Starke, 60 Virginia, left hand shattered. Col Johnson, 13th Georgia, mortally wounded. Maj Burke, Capt Brooks, Capt Street, Capt Jett, wounded; Lieut C T Goolrick, wound