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They burned the barn and out houses of Mr. James Calwell living at the bridge three miles east of town, and set fire to the brick dwelling, but it was put out by Mr. Calwell's servants. At this place they robbed Mrs. Captain Robert F. Dennis of her furs, clothes, jewelry, &c. In what is known as the Irish Corner, some six or seven miles from the town of Lewisburg, they robbed a number of houses. They had no respect of persons, and robbed those who were supposed to be Union men, as readily and thoroughly as other persons. Gen. Averill's forces did not stop there, but came on east, as we stated in last week's issue. At Callaghan's the Chaplain of the regiment set the example of robbery by breaking open the store of Mr. Buster at that place. Mr. Buster called the attention of the Colonel of his regiment to the fact, when the Chaplain received the benefit not only of a reproof, but of a terrible cursing, and threat of speedy punishment in this world, in the form of horsewhipping.