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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 11: the great revival along the Rapidan. (search)
peful conversions and many anxious inquirers in it.. Every company has prayers, nightly, immediately after roll-call, and nearly all attend and are respectful; the officers, in some instances, conducting the exercises and leading in prayer. —Rev. G. W. Camp, army missionary at Kingston, North Carolina, baptized five converts, August 2, in the river Neuse. The special correspondent of the Richmond Enquirer, under date August 12, writes: Yesterday the chaplains of the Second and Third Corps hengs every night when the weather permits. The congregations are very large and attentive. Many come forward and ask God's people to pray for them. I am very much pleased with my new field of labor thus far. The soldiers appreciate kindness. G. W. Camp. By the first of August General Lee's army was camped along the line of the Rapidan (from Liberty Mills, above Orange Court House, to Raccoon Ford, below), and God blessed us with seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord in near
.Exchange Bank,Norfolk,Oct. 22d, 1860. His Excellency John Letcher, Gov. of Virginia: Sir: I enclose herewith a statement of the condition of this Institution on the 30th Sept., 1860. I have the honor to be, very resp'y, &c., G. W. Camp, Cashier. Comparative State of the Exchange Bank of Virginia, including the Branches, on the 30th September, 1859, and 29th September, 1860. 18591860 debt outstanding$5,137,022 57$5,021,918 10 Sterling Bills20,714 0346,700 78 sthat the foregoing statement has been examined, and is believed to be correct. W. H. Sharp, James Cornick, Chas. H. Shield, Samuel H. Hodges, C. W. Grandy. Richard Dickson. State Of Virginia, City Of Norfolk, To Wit: G. W. Camp, Cashier of the Exchange Bank of Virginia, this day personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace, of the city aforesaid, and made oath that the above statement, made out from the books of the Bank, and from the quarterly returns receiv
Personal. --Gen. D. M. McIntosh and G. W. Sledham,(Chiefs of the Creek Nation of Indians,) Judge Mason, of Ala. T. S. Bocock, of Va. G. W. Camp, of Norfolk; Waller R. Staples, of Va.;Wm Leigh, of the Va. Navy; P. H. Moore, of the Wheeling Union, and Dr. J. A Hunter, of the Va. Army, arrived at the Exchange yesterday.
Exchange Bank, Norfolk, January 24, 1861. His Excellency John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: Sir: I enclose a statement of the condition of this Bank on the 31st December, 1860. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, &c., G. W. Camp, Cashier. Comparative State of the Exchange Bank of Virginia, including the Branches, on the 31st December, 1859, and 31st December, 1860: 1859.1860. local Loans, &c., outstanding$5,377,248.47$5,257,662.94 Sterling Bills7,242.7oregoing statement has been examined, and is believed to be correct. W. H. Sharp, President, Richard Dickson, James Cornick, Wm. S. Camp, Chas. H. Shield, Samuel H. Hodges, State of Virginia, City of Norfolk, to wit: G. W. Camp, Cashier of the Exchange Bank of Virginia, this day personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace of the city aforesaid, and made oath that the above statement, made out from the books of the Bank and from the quarterly returns received
The Daily Dispatch: September 5, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Banks at Norfolk — spirited action of the Directors. (search)
63. Messrs. W. W. Wing, D. C. Crowell, Wm. R. Jones, T. Patterson, and F. Zantzinger: Gentlemen — I send you herewith a copy of a resolution,&c., passed by the Board of Directors of the Bank at their meeting this morning. Respectfully. G. W. Camp, Cashier. Copy of resolution, &c. The President laid before the Board a letter signed by W. W. Wing, D. C. Crowell, Wm. R. Jones, T. Patterson, and F. Zantzinger, dated July 31st, 1863. and addressed to W. W. Sharp, Esq., President Ex Crowell, Jones, Patterson, and Zantzinger; and it was. Ordered, That the Cashier deliver a copy of this resolution to Messrs. Wing, Crowell, Jones, Patterson, and Zantzinger, in reply to their letter. A true copy from the minutes. G. W. Camp, Cashier. The Directors next mentioned proceeded to the Bank of Virginia on the 28th ult., presented their credentials and demanded their seats as members of the board of officers. They were requested to wait a little. In the cours