Browsing named entities in The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Index (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). You can also browse the collection for Carson or search for Carson in all documents.

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, E. A., II., 334; X., 175, 176. Carr, J. B., X., 125. Carrick's Ford, W. Va., I., 348. Carrington, H. B., X., 311. Carroll, S. S., II., 320; X., 199. Carroll, W. H., X., 299. Carrollton, Ga., IV., 140. Carson, C. (Kit Carson), X., 221. Cartel: VII., 98; difficulties in the application of the, VII., 104, 106, 108; of 1862, provisions of, VII., 112; for exchange, adoption of, July 22, 1862, VII., 106, 160; for exchange, suspension of, May 25, 1863,Carson), X., 221. Cartel: VII., 98; difficulties in the application of the, VII., 104, 106, 108; of 1862, provisions of, VII., 112; for exchange, adoption of, July 22, 1862, VII., 106, 160; for exchange, suspension of, May 25, 1863, VII., 160; lack of clearness in the supplementary articles of, cause of trouble, VII., 112, 114, 116; of July 22, VII., 345; of July 22, 1862, VII., 345, Appendix A. Carter, Anne H. X., 52. Carter, J. C., III., 340; X., 299. Carter, S. P., III., 344; X., 305. Carter, a western photographer, IV., 145. Carters Station, Tonn., II., 328. Carthage, Mo., I., 348. Cartridges: small arms, V., 166; origin of, V., 172. Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C. , VII.