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t of the death of his father, and consequently there are no communications in your paper from this place. Doubtless, all who have friends in the army here look eagerly for his article at very issue. But whether the contribution is by "Pen" or "Cassius," the interest which every Virginian feels in the war will make it acceptable, though the scribbling of the letter have fewer claims to consideration on the score of merit. It is difficult to give accurate statements about matters and thingarment. A Mrs. Johnson, from the same city, arrived here yesterday with a large number of rifles, which were distributed among the "Baltimore boys." She was serenaded at the Wager House by the second Infantry Band last night. Lieut. Washington, a descendent of the "Father of his Country," has been appointed as Aid de-Camp to Gen. Johnson, Commander of the Confederate States forces at this post. It has been raining all day, and prospects brightening for more to- morrow. Cassius