Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 23, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cassius or search for Cassius in all documents.

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in every and all ways, at any and all times, at any and every place, to effect that object. Correspondence between Cassius M. Clay and — Richard O'Gorman — Cassius won't fight. Richard O'Gorman, after the speech of Major Gen. Cassius M. Clay in New York, published a very severe card, in which, Irish like, he intimates his willingness to fight Cassius for the smallest possible remuneration. Cassius having got to Washington, publishes the following reply: Washington, D. C., Oct. 15, 1862. Sir --My remarks at the Cooper Institute were altogether extemporaneous and unpremeditated. It was not my purpose to make any allusion to yourself;Cassius having got to Washington, publishes the following reply: Washington, D. C., Oct. 15, 1862. Sir --My remarks at the Cooper Institute were altogether extemporaneous and unpremeditated. It was not my purpose to make any allusion to yourself; but when your name was suggested by one of the audience, I could not but feel indignant that I, who had always contended for free immigration of Irishmen into my State, and who had always denounced Know Nothingism from the beginning, and who had made so many sacrifices for universal liberty, should, with my party, be unjustly, as