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George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 2, 17th edition. 138 0 Browse Search
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godly in New England dared not condemn what Hugh Peters had done. Crown, in Chalmers, 264. His arraignment, his trial, and his execution, were scenes of wanton injtch. Hist. vol. i., to the papers in Hutch. Coll., to Crown's deposition, in Chalmers, 263, 264? John Dixwell was more fortunate. He was able to live undiscove. Vaughan's Reports, 170. Compare Tyrwhit and Tyndale's Digest, XIII.—XV. Chalmers, p. 241, is not sustained n his inference. The tax was, also, never levied in e extravagant fears of mercantile avarice, New England was become a staple. Chalmers, 262. See Hutch. Coll. 422. Parliament, 25 Car. II. c. VII. therefore, r time, an unmitigated evil; for the prohibition 12 Car. Il c. XXXIV. Comm. Chalmers, 243. of planting tobacco in England and Ireland, was a useless Chap XI.} moalk as God persuades his heart; all our people enjoy freedom of conscience. Chalmers, 284. Freedom of conscience, unlimited freedom of mind, was, from the first,
urred by refusing to comply with the demand of their sovereign. Chalmers, 386 False rumors were mingled with true reports, and assisted to dix; Hutch. Coll.; Danforth Papers, in Mass. Hist. Coll. XVIII.; Chalmers, c. XVI. There are many papers relating to this period in Hazard unconstitutional usurpation. Boyle, in Mass. Hist Coll. XVIII Chalmers. To Connecticut, the controversy of Massachusetts 1664 with ts. Hist. Coll. i. and IX. Answer of General Assembly in 1680, in Chalmers, 308 of these, the exaggerated estimates melt away, when subjected, nevertheless less, was exercised with moderation and justice. Chalmers, 488: No assembly, of which the representatives of the people comp. 566, &c. The reason assigned is as unfounded as the statement in Chalmers. In the grant of 1639, the assent of the majority of the free holrgy were allowed to preach. no true allegiance could be found. Chalmers, 497, 510. It had long been evident, there could be no quiet, till
from customs as the charter would warrant. Chalmers, 518 Yet the lands round Cape Fear were not ihat volunteer emigrants had preceded them. Chalmers, 519, For some years. In September, the colon Carolina, begins with the autumn of 1669, Chalmers, 525, 555, from proprietary papers, and there Quakers and renegadoes Lord Culpepper, in Chalmers, 356. from ecclesiastical oppression; and Foxardly contained four thousand inhabitants; Chalmers, 533. The account of the population are cont also fostered; they cannot, it was urged, Chalmers, 534. be friends to the prosperity of Carolinual incapacity for the government. Compare Chalmers, 539, 540. Williamson, i. 136—141; Martin, i Having touched at Ireland and Barbadoes, Chalmers, 529, says Barbadoes; and not inadvertently. clearly refuted in Dalcho, 11 and 16. Comp. Chalmers, 529. has related, that the emigrants at fireserved. Archdale, 13, 14. Hewat, i. 78. Chalmers, 542, 543. Again, the proprietaries offered s[14 more...]
gracious majesty will one day consider me. Chalmers, 528. Hening, n 516. Berkeley's commission t could give their offspring. Berkeley, in Chalmers The paths were bridleways rather than roads; Bland, in Burk, ii. 247, 151. On the first Chalmers says, 1675; an error. spontaneous movement ofded, and probably mingled with the people. Chalmers, 351, 352. With the returning squadron Sied to be levied by the poll. Culpepper, in Chalmers. 355, 356. The commissioners sent by the kinFendall, the old republican, Documents, in Chalmers, 376. The letter is from Lord Baltimore,—of l not do in the present age. Culpepper, in Chalmers, 357. The insurrection was for the time r of a Protestant ministry. Rev. J. Yeo, in Chalmers, 373. The prelates demanded, not freedom, but solicited office in America to get money, Chalmers, 347. Beverley, 85. and resorted to the usua on any pretence whatever. Hening, ii. 518 Chalmers, 545. The rule was continued under James ii. [10 more...]
ecords, VIII. 293, 294, where he will find the words of the text. Now compare Chalmers, 634. The West India Company sent private orders to its officers to withdraw tthe country, but to defend it even to the spilling of blood. Once more turn to Chalmers, 634. Charles Calvert, the son of the proprietary, immediately occupied what hy Beekman as a guest, not as a proprietary. See Records, XVII. 286, 297. But Chalmers hated Penn, and recklessly or passionately falsified history. And how hard to destroy error! How many leave copied this statement of Chalmers! Beekman, the Dutch lieutenant- Chap. XV.} 1659 to 1664 governor on the Delaware, was faithful to hnd. The rate for public charges was there perhaps agreed upon; Nichols, in Chalmers, 597. Nichols, in these words, evidently distinguishes between the court the re scorned by their constituents for their inconsiderate servility; Correct Chalmers, 577, 598, 599, by Wood, 87; or Additions to code in N. Y. Hist. Coll. i. 418
ceedings of the House of Representatives in Pennsylvania; and in Haz. Hist. Reg. i. 269, 271, 273, 274. More full than Chalmers, 635, 655, &c. Proud. His father, distinguished in English history by the conquest of Jamaica, and by his con- Chap. X, in Proud, i. 210. I never felt judgment for the power I kept, but trouble for what I parted with. Compare Markham, in Chalmers. but he resisted the temptation. I purpose,—such was his prompt decision—for the 1682. May 5. matters of liberty I pur The news spread rapidly, that the Quaker king was 1682 Oct. 27, 28. at Newcastle; and, Proud, i. 205. The date in Chalmers and Proud, of Penn's landing, is October 24. It is taken from Penn's letter. But the copyist may have mistaken a figurch 19, 1688, passed unanimously To freedom and justice a fair field was given, and they were safe. Tyson's censure on Chalmers and others, in Mem. P. H. S. II. Part II. p. 140, 141, is to my mind strictly just. It is the language of accurate inv
loth as the finest lawns. The doors of the low-roofed houses, which luxury never entered, stood wide open to charity, and to the stranger. Denton's New York, printed in 1670, describes it under the duke's government, p. 19 and 20. Andros, in Chalmers, 601, &c. The Island of New York may, in 1678, have contained not far from three thousand inhabitants; in the whole colony there could not have been far from twenty thousand. Ministers were scarce, but welcome, and religions many; the poor were of blessed memory. Flowers were strown on the tomb of Nero; and the colony of Rhode Island had cause to bless the memory of Charles II. Soon after the arrival of Andros, he demanded the surrender of the charter. Walter Clarke, the governor, Chalmers, 421. insisted on waiting for a fitter season. Repairing to Rhode Island, Andros dissolved its government and 1687 Jan. 12. broke its seal; five of its citizens were appointed members of his council, and a commission, irresponsible to the peop