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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of Shiloh. (search)
enemy's shell fall into the river and explode amid the transports! Another advance is ordered. The shattered brigades of Beauregard enter the ravine and close up on the contracted lines, protected by the siege guns. Three different times, reports one of the commanders, did we go into that valley of death, and as often were we forced back. Another reports: A murderous fire was poured into us from masked batteries of grape and canister and also from rifle-pits. General Bragg ordered General Chalmers to drive us into the river at all hazards. In vain did this brave Carolinian, who sacrificed his own life and a large portion of his command, attempt to do so. The concentrated fire of the Union army, aided by the formidable natural barriers, prevented the execution of Beauregard and Bragg's humane orders! Gradually the firing ceased. The Sabbath closed upon a scene which had no parallel on the Western Continent. The sun went down in a red halo, as if the very heavens blushed and pr
April 24. Tuscumbia, Ala., was occupied by the National forces under General Dodge, after he had succeeded in driving from the place the rebels under Colonel Chalmers.--Four rebel schooners were captured off Mobile, Ala., by the gunboat De Soto, and two were captured while endeavoring to run into New Inlet, N. C., by the United States steamer State of Georgia.--Colonel Phillips encountered and defeated a party of rebels at Weber Falls, Ark., capturing all their camp equipage.--Skirmishing still continued in the vicinity of Suffolk, Va.--Philadelphia Inquirer, April 29. A body of rebels under Imboden and Jackson attacked a small Union force at Beverly, Va., the extreme outpost held by General Roberts. The place — which is in Tygert Valley, cast of Rich Mountain — was garrisoned by about one thousand Virginia loyalists, under Colonel Latham. The town is approached by two roads, known as the Buckhannon and Philippa pikes, from the west and north-west, and the Huttonsville ro
idge at the Yocokaway, and the trestle-work just beyond, and a portion of the road from there north. He then crossed the Tallahatchie, coming north, and pursued Chalmers beyond Coldwater, on the Helena Road. He made for the Tallahatchie to cross, and at the mouth of the Coldwater he killed fifteen or twenty of Chalmers's men, anChalmers's men, and took forty prisoners. He paroled all the sick at Panola, brought away and destroyed all the army supplies, workshops, mills, tanneries, and depots. He passed within three miles of Austin and Commerce, destroying an immense amount of forage and subsistence, took from six to eight hundred horses and mules, and five hundred headto destroy or bring away all subsistence, forage, horses, and mules. He passed through five counties, travelled two hundred miles, and crossed three streams. Chalmers had with him Stokes's, Slemmer's, and Blythe's men, nine hundred, with three pieces of artillery. The remainder of his force, nine hundred, fled south, via Char
sioners, not exceeding twenty acres for each head of a family. The description of the land, when located, to be accompanied by the deposit of the Government price, about one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Major--General Granger reported, from Nashville, Tennessee, that he sent a detachment of cavalry from that place, under Colonel Shelby, to pursue Hawkins and other guerrillas. He overtook Hawkins near Piney Factory, and routed and pursued him to Centreville, where he made a stand; routed him again, and pursued him until his forces dispersed. The rebel loss was fifteen or twenty killed, and sixty-six prisoners. The Union loss was slight.--General Thomas's Report. The battle of Bayou Grand Coteau, La., also known as the battle of Bayou Bourbeaux, was fought this day.--(Doc. 7.) Colliersville, Tenn., was attacked by a body of rebels, belonging to the command of General Chalmers, who was repulsed with some loss, by the Nationals, under the command of Colonel Hatch.
November 4. The troops belonging to the National expedition, under the command of Major-General Banks, successfully landed at Brazos de Santiago, Texas, nine miles from the mouth of the Rio Grande del Norte.--(Doc. 6.) The bombardment of Fort Sumter continued.--Jefferson Davis visited James Island, Forts Pemberton, and Johnson, and all the rebel batteries around Charleston. The rebel Generals Chalmers and Lee attacked Moscow and La Fayette, Tenn., on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, this day, at noon. They burned La Fayette, and some small bridges on the road. The Nationals repulsed them at Moscow. Colonel Hatch's cavalry followed their retreat, and forced them to another fight four miles out, and again repulsed them. Between twenty and thirty of their dead were found on the field, among them three officers. Their dead and wounded were scattered along the road. In addition, three wagon-loads were taken away. Their loss probably reached one hundred. The Unio
December 3. A large body of rebels, under the command of Chalmers and Forrest, made three desperate charges on a division of National cavalry, stationed at the Wolf River Bridge, Tenn., but were finally repulsed with heavy loss. The National troops were commanded by Colonel Hatch's cavalry division, which suffered severely.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Iuka and Corinth. (search)
tablished his headquarters at Booneville. Bragg, who was sending a division of infantry to Ripley, Miss., had ordered Chalmers (June 30th) to take some 1200 or 1500 cavalry, and to cover the movement of this infantry by making a feint upon Rienzi. In executing this order Chalmers encountered Sheridan (July 1st), and a stubborn engagement took place. It lasted from 8:30 in the morning till late in the afternoon, when, Sheridan having been reinforced by infantry and artillery, Chalmers retireChalmers retired. Rosecrans (who, in June, upon Pope's transfer to the East, had succeeded him in the command of the Army of the Mississippi, to which Sheridan's brigade belonged) issued an order declaring that the coolness, determination, and fearless gallantry weight in gold. He was eventually promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, his commission dating from this fight with Chalmers on July 1st. When the army had got into camp at Tupelo, and it was apparent that hostilities would not be resumed imm
Bates's Division, Sears's and Brown's brigades, were ordered, on the 5th, to report at that point to General Forrest, who was instructed to watch closely that detachment of the enemy. The same day, information was received of the capture of one hundred prisoners, two pieces of artillery, twenty wagons and teams by Forrest's cavalry, at Lavergne; of the capture and destruction of three block houses on the Chattanooga Railroad, by Bates's Division; and of the seizure the day previous, by General Chalmers, of two transports on the Cumberland river, with three hundred mules on board. We had in our possession two engines and several cars, which ran as far south as Pulaski. Dispatches were sent to Generals Beauregard and Maury to repair the railroad from Corinth to Decatur, as our trains would be running in a day or two to the latter point. This means of transportation was of great service in furnishing supplies to the Army. Our troops had, when we reached Middle Tennessee, an abundan
ng with his cavalry on our flanks and pushing forward his lines in our front. A more persistent effort was never made to rout the rear guard of a retiring column. This desperate attack was kept up till long after dark, but gallantly did the rear guard, consisting of Pettus's Alabama and Cummings's Georgia brigades, the latter commanded by General Watkins, of Stevenson's Division, and under that gallant and meritorious officer, Major General C. L. Stevenson, repulse every attack. Brigadier General Chalmers with his division of cavalry covered our flanks. The cavalry of the enemy succeeded in getting in Stevenson's rear, and attacked Major General Clayton's Division about dark; but they were handsomely repulsed, Gibson and Stovall's brigades being principally engaged. Some four or five guidons were captured from the enemy during the evening. About 1 p. m. I was wounded while with the rear guard, but did not relinquish command of my corps till dark. Most of the details in conduct
ve religion, which I believe still to be genuine, and an intense but narrow patriotism, are the only higher influences. Chalmers came from Illinois nine years ago. He is slightly intelligent, very opinionated, and wishes to be thought well-informed,s, but if I speak favorably of the climate or resources of any other country, he regards it as a slur on Colorado. Mrs. Chalmers looks like one of the English poor women of our childhood — lean, clean, toothless, and speaks, like some of them, inhroughout the West. I write this reluctantly, and after a total experience of nearly two years in the United States. Mrs. Chalmers is cleanly in her person and dress, and the food, though poor, is clean. Work, work, work, is their day and their liking being as her mother. Each morning, soon after seven, when I have swept the cabin, the family come in for worship. Chalmers wails a psalm to the most doleful of dismal tunes; they read a chapter round, and he prays. Sunday was a dreadful day.