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unt to the sum of $60,000; Provided, that the said R. V. R. R. Company shall deposit, as security for such acceptances, their eight per cent. bonds for a like amount, and that the sum thus loaned shall be expended in laving and grading track continuously from Keysville towards Clarksville. Mr. Ruffin moved to lay the resolution on the table. Mr. Anderson opposed the motion, and advocated the adoption of the resolution. The resolution was further advocated by Messrs. Stovall, Chalmers, Wiley, Scott and Bouldin; and opposed by Mr. F. G. Ruffin, who called a scale vote on the question. Several gentlemen, favorable to the connection, were instructed to vote against all appropriations at this time, because of the unsettled condition of the country, but declared their willingness to aid the scheme at the proper time. When the vote was counted, the State having voted against the resolution, the question was carried in the negative. The meeting then adjourned.