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Executive appointments. --The Governor has re-appointed the old Directors of the Penitentiary, namely: Samuel D. Denton, John A. Belvin. L. W. Glazebrook, Robt. A. Paine, and Henry G. Cannon. He has also appointed and commissioned Dr. Wm. A. Patterson as Surgeon of the Penitentiary and the Public Guard. The following appointments of Bank Directors have been made, Northwestern Bank: Wheeling--Dr. M. H. Houston, Zach. Jacobs, Lewis Steenrod. Wellsburg — F. H. Pendleton, D. W. Carothers. Parkersburg — Thomas Chancellor, George Neale, Jr. Jeffersonville--Dr. John M. Estill, John L. Dougherty. Fairmont Bank--Austin Merrill, William Hood, Eph, B. Hall, Wm., Meredith. The appointments for the Farmers' Bank and the Bank of Virginia have not yet been mad
of A. S. Goodson, asking the enactment of a law authorizing their voluntary enslavement. By Mr. H. W. Thomas, petition of Celia Edmunds, asking certain relief. Mr. Carson presented sundry petitions in favor of the Strasburg connection. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted: By Mr. Quesenberry, of amending the charter of the Bank of Commerce, of Fredericksburg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of Mr. Johnson, it was Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns to-day, it will adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock to-morrow, and at the same hour on each succeeding day until otherwise ordered. On motion of Mr. McKenney, it was Resolved, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare and have ready every Monday morning printed copies of the Calendar of the Se
r the relief of the securities of Robert Chambers, Sheriff of Boone county; Senate bill to incorporate the Coal and Oil Company of Braxton county; Senate bill to incorporate the Common wealth Savings Bank, of Richmond; Senate bill to amend the charter of the Virginia Car-Spring Company; also, to amend certain acts relating to the charter of the New Creek Company, of Hampshire county; also, to incorporate the Laurel Valley Oil and Coal Company, in the county of Mason; also, to authorize Thomas Chancellor to erect a wharf on his lands; Senate bill extending the corporate limits of the town of Fredericksburg; Senate bill to incorporate the Burning Springs and Oil-Line Railroad Company; also, to authorize the Circuit Court of Preston county to legalize the conveyance of a tract of land made by Andrew Oliphant, as guardian or committee of William Smith, an idiot; also, to incorporate the Silver Run Mining and Manufacturing Company; House bill to amend and reenact the 2d section of an act p
ize the conveyance of a tract of land made by Andrew Oliphant, as guardian of Wm. Smith, an idiot; incorporating the Silver Run Mining and Manufacturing Company; also, the Burning Springs and Oil Line Railroad Company; extending the limits of Fredericksburg; incorporating the Laurel Valley Coal and Oil Company, in Mason county; amending the charters of the Hampshire New Creek County and Virginia Car Springs Company; incorporating the Commonwealth's Savings Bank of Richmond; authorizing Thomas Chancellor to make a wharf on his lands; incorporating the Coal and Oil Company of Braxton county. Adverse Reports.--Senate bills for the relief of Saml. Openheimer, of Powhatan county, and for the relief of Thos. K. Davis, Sheriff of Prince William county, were reported on adversely by the Committee on Finance. Hour of Meeting.--Mr. Kemper offered a resolution that on and after Wednesday next the House meet at 10 o'clock. Adopted. The Adjutant General.--When Senate bill to "increa