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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies 5 1 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 4 2 Browse Search
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley) 3 1 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 3: Girlhood at Cambridge. (1810-1833.) (search)
ho were her contemporaries some companions well worth having. She went into society, as has been seen, very early — far too early. The class with which she may be said to have danced through college — to adopt Howells's phrase-was that of 1829, which has been made, by the wit and poetry of Holmes, the most eminent class that ever left Harvard. With Holmes she was not especially intimate, though they had been school-mates; but with two of the most conspicuous members of the class — William Henry Channing and James Freeman Clarke-she formed a life-long friendship, and they became her biographers. Another of these biographersthe Rev. Frederick Henry Hedge, her townsman -knew her also at this period, though he had already left college and had previously been absent from Cambridge for some years, at a German gymnasium. Still another associate, also of the class of 1829, was her kinsman, George T. Davis, afterwards well known as a member of Congress from the Greenfield (Mass.) district,<
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 4: country life at Groton. (1833-1836.) (search)
Richard and Arthur in attending Mr. Kittredge's [church]. I must write a few words to mother, so adieu, from Your most affectionate daughter, M. Fuller Mss. i. 153. Fathers are fortunately so constituted as rarely to refuse appeals like this, and Margaret Fuller had her journey. It was her first experience of a pleasure which then, perhaps, had a greater zest than now, as being rarer, and involving more adventure. She went to Newport, then dear to her as the summer home of the Rev. Dr. Channing, -to New York, and to Trenton Falls, accounted one of the glories of America in the simple days when the wonders of Colorado and the Yosemite Valley were unknown. In the autumn she met Miss Harriet Martineau at the house of Professor Farrar, and a new delight opened before her vision. It was proposed that she should make a voyage to England with the Farrars; and under the guidance of her kind friends, long resident in England, she hoped to meet the larger intellectual circle of whi
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 6: school-teaching in Boston and Providence. (1837-1838.) (search)
But her prediction was fulfilled; if she followed her literary longings she must leave Providence, and so she did. Mr. Ripley had suggested to her to write a life of Goethe, but it ended in a translation of Eckermann's Conversations with that great man, prefaced by one of her Dial essays on the subject and published in Ripley's series of Specimens of German authors, probably without compensation. Her plans and purposes on retiring from her school are best stated in a letter to the Rev. W. H. Channing, not before published :-- Providence, 9th December, 1838. I am on the point of leaving Providence, and I do so with unfeigned delight, not only because I am weary and want rest, because my mind has so long been turned outward and longs for concentration and leisure for tranquil thought, but because I have here been always in a false position and my energies been consequently much repressed. To common observers I seem well placed here, but I know that it is not so, and that I h
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 8: conversations in Boston. (search)
emed to her the very easiest form of intellectual action. Her general feeling on the subject is best to be seen in a letter written a few years later to the Rev. W. H. Channing, not on this express theme, but in regard to a sermon that she had just heard:-- Cambridge, February 27, 1843. Many thoughts had risen in my mind durito bear some influence upon her age and time. How much more than this she desired is to be seen in this fine piece of aspiration occurring in a letter to the Rev. W. H. Channing:-- Like a desperate gamester I feel, at moments, as I cling to the belief that he [the Deity] cannot have lost this great throw of Man, when the lest that her field was action, and that she could not, like Mr. Emerson, withdraw from the world to a quiet rural home. She wrote thus, on one occasion, to the Rev. W. H. Channing:-- 10th December, 1840 Two days in Boston; how the time flies there and bears no perfume on its wings,--I am always most happy to return to my solitud
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 9: a literary club and its organ. (search)
the robust energy; Orestes A. Brownson, the gladiatorial vigor; Caleb Stetson, the wit; William Henry Channing, the lofty enthusiasm; Ripley, the active understanding; Bartol, the flame of aspirationBartlett, whose Harvard Master of Arts oration has been already quoted. Once, and once only, Dr. Channing and George Bancroft seem to have met with them at Mr. Ripley's (December 5, 1839). The pro free. Half a dozen men exhaust our list of contributors; Emerson, Hedge, Miss Fuller, Ripley, Channing, Dwight, and Clarke are our dependence. Alcott's Ms. Diary, XIII. 375. But the trophies of Heng to friends and summoning forth contributions. Thus she writes on New Year's Day, to the Rev. W. H. Channing, then preaching at Cincinnati:-- Jamaica Plain, 1st January, 1840. I write to inforyoung people than any you have had. Ibid. i. 285. On April 19, 1840, she writes to the Rev. W. H. Channing again:-- I do not expect to be of much use except to urge on the laggards and scol
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 10: the Dial. (search)
, a wise, brave sincerity, unlike all examples in literature; of which the Dial is but the precursor. A few years more will give us all we desire — the people all they ask. Dial, II. 409. When we consider with what fidelity the editors had held to him, although by all odds their least popular contributor, it must be admitted that this affords a new illustration of the difficulty of keeping radicals in a common harness. After the third number, Margaret Fuller thus writes to the Rev. W. H. Channing:-- February 2, 1841. Write to me whatever you think about the Dial. I wish very much to get interested in it, and I can only do so by finding those I love and prize are so. It is very difficult to me to resolve on publishing any of my own writing: it never seems worth it, but the topmost bubble on my life; and the world, the Public! alas!-give me to realize that there are individuals to whom I can speak! Ms. She appears, by her correspondence, to have had the usual tri
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 11: Brook Farm. (search)
Mr. Ripley was fond of naming his cattle after his friends, and may, very likely, have found among them a Margaret Fuller. Her general attitude toward the associative movement, at the outset, may be seen in these sentences, written to the Rev. W. H. Channing, after a public meeting of the faithful:-- I will not write to you of these conventions and communities unless they bear better fruit than yet. This convention was a total failure, as might be expected from a movement so forced. ..ier convention, and to the talk we had been having in Mrs. R.'s room, than to the deeper occupation of my mind. Ms. To find how this dream of silence filled her soul, at times, we must turn to another passage in the same letter to the Rev. W. H. Channing which describes her interview with the Ripleys:-- It is by no means useless to preach. In my experience of the divine gifts of solitude, I had forgotten what might be done in this other way. O that crowd of upturned faces with the
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 12: books published. (search)
y young women whom it would have seemed natural to meet on any hillside path, although more than half a century had passed since they embalmed their memory there. When first at work upon this translation, Margaret Fuller wrote thus to the Rev. W. H. Channing:-- I meant to have translated for you the best passages of Die Gunderode (which I prefer to the correspondence with Goethe. The two girls are equal natures, and both in earnest. Goethe made a puppet-show for his private entertainnd many-colored as was pleasing. The result I have not yet looked at; must put some days between me and it first. Then I shall revise and get it into printer's ink by Christmas, I hope. Ms. She wrote more fully, on the same day, to the Rev. W. H. Channing:-- Sunday evening, November 17th At last I have finished the pamphlet. The last day it kept spinning out beneath my hand. After taking a long walk early in one of the most noble, exhilarating sort of mornings, I sat down to write,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 13: business life in New York. (1844-1846.) (search)
lanthropic questions. To investigate these subjects on the practical side she had two coadjutors besides Horace Greeley ;--her early fellow-student, Lydia Maria Child, then a resident of New York, and also a later and yet closer friend, William Henry Channing. This remarkable man, whose gifts and services have in some degree passed from the knowledge of the younger generation of Americans, through his long residence in England, was then the most ardent of social reformers, the loftiest among , sometimes mystical, but now taking a most healthful and active shape. It is a sign of her changed life when she keeps her New Year's vigils, not in poetic reveries, as at Boston and Brook Farm, but in writing such a note as the following to Mr. Channing: New Year's Eve [1845]. I forgot to ask you, dear William, where we shall begin in our round of visits to the public institutions. I want to make a beginning, as, probably, one a day and once a week will be enough for my time and strengt
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 17: closing scenes. (search)
Hasty's account, the sailors had just persuaded her [Madame Ossoli] to trust herself to a plank, when the final wave broke over the vessel. At Home and Abroad, Appendix, p. 451. Two of the four sailors reached land alive; and the still warm bodies of the child and steward came ashore. This shows that, even at the last, rescue would not have been impossible, had the life-boat been launched. The whole case is probably summed up in the remark made by one of the life-boat men to the Rev. W. H. Channing,from whom I have it in writing,--Oh! if we --had known there were any such persons of importance on board, we should have tried to do our best. It was natural for the passengers on the wreck to suppose that the life-boat men were there to do their best in any case. Two only of Margaret Ossoli's treasures reached the land,--the beautiful body of her child, and a trunk holding the letters that had passed between herself and her husband. The body of little Angelo was placed in a