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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
yet our prisoners during all this time were continually brought to it, and subjected to certain infection. Neither do we find evidences of amendment on the part of our enemies, notwithstanding the boasts of the Sanitary Commission. At Nashville, prisoners recently captured from General Hood's army, even when sick and wounded, have been cruelly deprived of all nourishment suited to their condition; and other prisoners from the same army have been carried into the infected Camps Douglas and Chase. Many of the soldiers of General Hood's army were frost-bitten by being kept day and night in an exposed condition before they were put into Camp Douglas. Their sufferings are truthfully depicted in the evidence. At Alton and Camp Morton the same inhuman practice of putting our prisoners into camps infected by small-pox prevailed. It was equivalent to murdering many of them by the torture of a contagious disease. The insufficient rations at Camp Morton forced our men to appease their
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
g books, which will be noticed more fully hereafter: From D. Appleton & Co., New York: Cooke's Life of General R. E. Lee. A military biography of Stonewall Jackson. By Colonel John Esten Cooke. With an appendix (containing an account of the Inauguration of Foley's statue, &c.), by Rev. J. Wm. Jones. General Joseph E. Johnston's Narrative. Personal Reminiscences, Anecdotes and letters of General R. E. Lee. By Rev. J. Wm. Jones, D. D. Sherman's Memoirs and Shuckers' Life of Chief justice Chase. From the publishers, Harper Brothers, New York (through West & Johnston, Richmond): Draper's Civil war in America. From J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia (through West & Johnston): Dixon's New America. From West & Johnston, Richmond: A beautiful lithograph of the Ordinance of Secession of Virginia, and the signatures of the members of the convention. From the author (Dr. Joseph Jones, New Orleans): Medical and surgical Memoirs, 1855-1876. Southern Historical Society
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
raph, in three volumes, constituting the present series. It may be obtained by addressing the author, Dr. Jos. Jones, box 1500, New Orleans. Life of Chief justice Chase. By J. W. Schuckers. New York: D. Appleton & Co. As private secretary and intimate friend of Mr. Chase, Mr. Schuckers has brought to his task very full Mr. Chase, Mr. Schuckers has brought to his task very full materials which he has woven into a deeply interesting story of the busy life of one of the ablest men this country has ever produced. Always a leader in the party opposed to the rights of the South, Mr. Chase's record is one which we cannot, of course, endorse. But in his latter days he evinced towards our people a much more kMr. Chase's record is one which we cannot, of course, endorse. But in his latter days he evinced towards our people a much more kindly spirit, and it is but just to say that his private character always stood fair, and that his correspondence, as presented in this book, evinces a purity of motive and a freedom from the bribery and corruption by which he was surrounded truly refreshing. The book is admirably gotten up, and very readable. The civil war i
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The First iron-clad Monitor. (search)
the other Cabinet officers, while the Assistant Secretary came to me. I went at once to the White House. Mr. Seward and Mr. Chase, with Mr. Stanton, were already there, had read the telegram, and were discussing the intelligence in much alarm. Each the situation, and inspire confidence by acting, so far as we could, intelligently, and with discretion and judgment. Mr. Chase approved the suggestion, but thought it might be well to telegraph Governor Morgan and Mayor Opdyke, at New York, that rs, never again descended Elizabeth river to the Roads. In the early part of May, the President, accompanied by Secretaries Chase and Stanton, took a steamer to visit Fortress Monroe and the army under McClellan, then on the York peninsula. paration for an anticipated emergency, which is about as likely to occur in one case as the other, is very striking. Mr. Chase related to me this incident, which was afterwards, at his request, repeated by the President in the presence of others,
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The First great crime of the War. (search)
the house, and found the President, Secretaries Seward and Chase, the Assistant Secretary of War, and General McDowell. Theny attack which we might make within a moderate time. Mr. Chase said very little, but what he did say left it plainly to their departments as they could give us. We learned from Mr. Chase the destination of Burnside's expedition, which, until thmovement to the Peninsula by transports. Mr. Seward and Judge Chase were of opinion that a victory over the enemy was what wl way, and then there was a silence. It was broken by Governor Chase, who asked General McClellan if he had any objection tl, I shall not order you to give it. During this time Governor Chase, General McDowell and I were standing in one of the wil McClellan declined to give his plans to the meeting, Governor Chase In thinking over this matter, I find that I cannot be positive whether it was Governor Chase or Judge Blair who was with General McDowell and me, and made this remark. It wa
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Baltimore riots. (search)
he Hon. R. M. McLane, Mr. S. Teackle Wallis, Hon. Joshua Vansant, Dr. A. C. Robinson, and other well-known Southern sympathizers took an active part. Even as late as April 12th, when the siege of Fort Sumter.had begun, and only one week before the riot, two men were assaulted and mobbed, one on Baltimore, the other on South street,for wearing a Southern cockade. On Sunday, April 14th, five days only before the riot, a secession flag was displayed from the mast of the Fanny Crenshaw lying at Chase's wharf, but was hauled down by a party of men from the city, who boarded the vessel. The flag was run up again, however, but the vessel had to be placed under the protection of the police authorities. These facts go to show, in the almost utter absence of manifestations to the contrary, that Baltimore was not at that time a secessionist city; and, had the subsequent policy of the government been one of conciliation, instead of coercion, it is doubtful whether serious trouble would have re
oo ill to be spoken to on any subject; he was under the influence of anodynes, etc, etc. She then drove to the house of Mr. Chase, who had been for many years at the bar with her husband, and on most friendly terms. The servant replied pompously that Mr. Chase never saw company at that hour. She then sent for Miss C. The daughter very politely regretted that her father could not be seen until the next day at ten. She could do nothing but return to the hotel for another night of suspense. Nspirit not soothed by her countrywoman, she passed on to the street, got into a carriage, and proceeded to the house of Mr. Chase. It was ten o'clock-surely there could be no obstacle now. He soon entered-she introduced herself and her subject. Myour son is in the rebel camp; I think that you cannot get a passport. She then, in a state of despair, exclaimed, Oh, Mr. Chase, he is the son of your old acquaintance, Mr.--! He was at once touched. Are you his widow? Yes. But how came your s
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 19 (search)
oah Valley. On the 9th of October, Sheridan's cavalry, under Torbert, had an engagement with the enemy's cavalry, which it completely routed, capturing eleven guns and a number of wagons, and taking over three hundred prisoners. Our loss did not exceed sixty men. The enemy was pursued about twenty-six miles. In the forenoon of October 16 a steamer arrived from Washington, having aboard the Secretary of War, Mr. Stanton; the new Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Fessenden, who had succeeded Chase; and several of their friends. They came at once to headquarters, were warmly received by General Grant, and during their short stay of two days were profuse in their expressions of congratulation to the general upon the progress he had made with his armies. They wanted to see as much as they could of the positions occupied by our forces, and the general proposed that they should visit the Army of the James that afternoon, and offered to accompany them. He telegraphed Butler to this effec
Chapter 31: thirty-first Congress, 1849-50. The first session of the Thirty-first Congress opened on Monday, December 3, 1849. In no preceding Senate had been seen more brilliant groups of statesmen from both South and North. Among the distinguished senators then, or soon subsequently to be, famous, were Davis, Calhoun, Clay, Webster, Benton, Corwin, Cass, Fillmore, Johnson, Stephen A. Douglas, Seward, Chase, Houston, Badger, of North Carolina; Butler, of South Carolina; Hamlin, Hunter, and Mason, of Virginia; Berrien, Mangum, and Pierre Soule. It was to this Congress that Mr. Clay presented his famous compromise resolutions, which may be regarded as the beginning of the last period of the long controversy between the sections before the secession of the Southern States from the Union. It was memorable by the threatening prominence given to the Anti-slavery agitation, which was now beginning to overshadow all other Federal issues. The growth of the Anti-slavery movem
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 43: visit to New Orleans and admission to Fortress Monroe. (search)
that he should be tried for treason. Even President Johnson and General Grant saw the mistake of his capture, and Chief Justice Chase understood the impolicy of his trial. Little by little, as reason returned, Northern men like Greeley and Gerrithe Richmond court. The trial of Mr. Yefferson Davis, Richmond, December 3, 1867. In the United States Court, Chief-Justice Chase on the bench, the argument was commenced on the motion to quash the indictment against Jefferson Davis. Roberture of things, entirely new, and was unexpected to the Government counsel, and he expected also to the court. Chief-Justice Chase said the argument of counsel was not unexpected to the court, it having supposed, after the announcement of this act of amnesty, but one of oblivion. After hearing the argument the Court stood: For quashing the indictment, Chief-Justice Chase; against it, John C. Underwood. The division was certified to the Supreme Court, that the question may be conside