Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 17, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Chase or search for Chase in all documents.

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reference to the Presidential contest. He denounced Chase; spoke of the nefarious system of trade regulations;n, is beginning to yield its legitimate fruits. The Chase circular, as the production of Senator Pomeroy and ates will follow their example. The admirers of Secretary Chase have as perfect a right to urge the claims of tWashington letter, speaking of the effort to drive Mr. Chase out of the Cabinet, says: The only importantn in the warfare of the Blairs and their allies on Mr. Chase, intended to drive him from the Cabinet, is whethethrough the Senatorial attack, when Mr. Seward and Mr. Chase both tendered their resignations, Mr. Chase felt cMr. Chase felt compelled again to address a note to Mr. Lincoln, unconditionally resigning his position. Mr. Lincoln refused i and it is only now by virtue of that refusal that Mr. Chase is now in the Cabinet at all. His own choice was ts. The Senate has passed a bill authorizing Secretary Chase to sell his gold. This brought gold in New Yor