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George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition. 220 2 Browse Search
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t of the incident in his Autobiography. On the resignation of Grafton, Conway, with his accustomed indecision, remained in office, but seized the occasion to escape from the care of America De Guerchy, the French Ambassador at London, to Choiseul, 22 May, 1766. to Chap. XXV.} 1766. May. the Northern Department. There appeared a great and general backwardness Grafton's Autobiography. to embark with Rockingham. Lord North Lord North to Rockingham, 24 May, 1766. had hardly accepted ember of the House of Commons, and Agent for South Carolina, to the Committee of South Carolina, 6 June, 1766. the conduct of American affairs, and they were made over to a new Department of State, which Dartmouth was to accept, De Guerchy to Choiseul, 22 May, 1766. and which Charles Townshend avowed his hope of obtaining from a future Administration. Once, to delay his fall, Rockingham suggested a coalition Duke of Richmond's Journal in Albemarle, i. 349. with the Duke of Bedford. In sa
rother of his wife, the head of her family, and their common benefactor, to become the First Lord of the Treasury. But Temple, who had connected himself with Grenville Geo. Grenville to Bedford, 15 July, 1766, in Bedford Corr. III. 340. and the party of Bedford, refused to unite with the friends of Rockingham; and, having told the King, he would not go into the Ministry like a child, to come out like a fool, Inquiry into the Conduct of a late Right Honorable Commoner, Durand, to Due de Choiseul, 3 Juillet, 1766. Temple to Lady Chatham, Chat. Corr. II. 469. he returned to Stowe, repeating this speech to the world, dictating a scurrilous pamphlet against his brother-in-law, and enjoying the notoriety of having been solicited to take office and been found impracticable. The discussion with Temple and its issue, still further aggravated the malady of Pitt. He was too ill, on the eighteenth, to see the King, or even the Duke of Grafton, and yet, passing between all the factio
o, because the moneyed men of his party did not engage more of the venal boroughs. Burke to Rockingham, 13 August, 1767. In the great contest with oppression, he had no better reliance than on the English constitution as it was, and the charitable purchase of venal boroughs by opulent noblemen of his connection. May the anarchy in the British government last for ages, wrote Choiseul. Choiseul to Durand, Cornpiegne, 4 August, 1767; La minute de cette Depeche étoit de la main du Due de Choiseul. Your prayer will be Chap. XXX.} 1767. Aug. heard, answered Durand, then in London as Minister. Durand to Choiseul, August, 1767. No date of the day. The P. S. is 22 August. The opposition during this reign will always be strong, for the cabinet will always be divided; but the genius of the nation, concentrating itself on commerce and Colonies, compensates the inferiority of the men in power, and makes great advances without their guidance. My position, observed Choiseul as he con
y, 7. and Bernard to Shelburne, 2 Feb. 1768. The towns in the central Provinces had not as yet seconded the proposal of Boston to import nothing from England. The British Government will probably pursue the mildest policy, wrote De Kalb to Choiseul from Philadelphia. De Kalb to the Duke de Choiseul, Philadelphia, 15 January, 1768. But compare his letter to Choiseul of 20 January, 1768. The Colonies are but lightly taxed, and could not resist force. Distance from the British GovernmentChoiseul of 20 January, 1768. The Colonies are but lightly taxed, and could not resist force. Distance from the British Government makes these people more free; but at heart they have little disposition to throw off their dependence by the aid of foreign Chap. XXXI.} 1768. Jan. Feb. powers. The tone of public feeling seemed unprepared for action and averse to a rupture. But Samuel Adams and the few who shared his courage contended indefatigably Bernard to Hillsborough, 19 May, 1768; and Same to Shelburne, 18 Feb. 1768. against the principle of taxation. The hesitancy in the Assembly had proceeded not from timidit
fectionate father of all his subjects, the superior discernment of Choiseul was aware of the importance of the rising controversy; and that hemost confidential friend, the Count du Chatelet, Du Chatelet to Choiseul, 13 Feb. 1768. son of the celebrated woman with whom Voltaire had rchant vessels in all the waters from the Chesapeake De Kalb to Choiseul, 25 Feb. 1768. to Boston, thought for a moment, that if the Provin And yet after studying the spirit of New England, De Kalb to Choiseul, 2 March, 1768. he was persuaded that all classes sin- Chap. XXXIwould not pay taxes which it assumed to impose. Du Chatelet to Choiseul, 12 March, 1768. Some still al- Chap. XXXII} 1768. March lowed iuke of Grafton, 27 March, 1768. Du Chatelet, Du Chatelet to Choiseul, 12 March, 1768; and compare other letters. in England, having made standard of rebellion. Their population is so great, said he to Choiseul, that a breath would scatter the troops sent to enforce obedience.
Chapter 33: An army and a fleet for Boston.—Hillsborough's Adminis-Tration of the Colonies continued. April—June, 1768. send over an army and a fleet to reduce the Chap. Xxxiii} 1768. April. dogs to reason; Compare Franklin's writings, VII. 256, of 8 May, 1768, and Durand to Choiseul, 1 January, 1768. such was the cry of those round the court and the public offices in England, at every rumor of colonial discontents. On the fifteenth of April the news of the Circular letter of Massachusetts reached the Ministers. It is an incentive to rebellion, De Berdt to the Speaker, 29 July, 1768. said some of them; and their choleric haste dictated the most impolitic measures that could have been devised. To insulate the offending Province, and if possible the town of Boston, a letter was sent by Hillsborough to the Governors of each of the twelve other Colonies, with a copy of the Circular, which was described as of a most dangerous and factious tendency, calculated to infl
le had no intention to begin a rebellion; but only to defend their liberties, which had the sanction of natural right and of historic tradition. Chap. XXXIV.} 1768. July. The Americans, observed the clear-sighted Du Chatelet, Du Chatelet to Choiseul, 21 June, 1768. have no longer need of support from the British Crown, and see in the projects of their metropolis measures of tyranny and oppression. I apprehend a breach between the two countries, owned Franklin. Franklin to his Son, 2 Jul transient disorders to a happier condition. In that progress the emancipation of America was to form a glorious part; and was the great object of the French Minister for Foreign Affairs. We must put aside projects and attend to facts, wrote Choiseul Extrait de la Lettre de 15 Juillet, 1768, à Monsieur le Comte du Ohatelet. to Du Chatelet in July, after a conversation of six hours with a person intimately acquainted with America. My idea, which perhaps is but a reverie, is, to examin
ibutions should be agreed upon. Frances to Choiseul, 29 July, 1768. But his opinions had no effecborough to Bernard, 30 July, 1758, Frances to Choiseul, 5 August, 1768. and, to humor them in almostry of the fourteenth of August, Frances to Choiseul, 29 Sept. 1768; Bernard to Hillsborough, 29 A and believed union impossible. Frances to Choiseul, 5 August, 1768. You will learn what transpiritely better in the city than at court; wrote Choiseul Choiseul to Frances, Compiegne, 6 August, of becoming well-informed respecting America, Choiseul collected newspapers, documents, resolves, incing the Colonies by force. But why, asked Choiseul, Choiseul to Frances, 21 August, 1768. areChoiseul to Frances, 21 August, 1768. are not deputies from each Colony admitted into Parliament as members And it was answered Frances tofusing to submit to Parliament. Frances to Choiseul, 29 Sept. 1768. Where rebellion begins, said r real or pretended grievances. Frances to Choiseul, 23 Sept. 1768. The subject interested every [11 more...]
ng's coronation, about seventy persons, from sixty-six towns, came together in Faneuil Hall in Convention, Compare Frances of the French Embassy at London to Choiseul, 28 October, 1768. Chap. XXXVI} 1768. Sept. and their number increased, till ninety-six towns and eight districts, nearly every settlement in the Colony, were rive this petition; and he admonished the gentlemen assembled at Faneuil Hall, under the name of a Convention, Compare the Report on this subject of Frances to Choiseul, 4 November, 1768. to break up instantly and separate themselves, or they should be made to repent of their rashness. The message was received with derision. relying on Him who ruleth according to his pleasure, with unerring wisdom and irresistible influence, in the hearts of the children of men. Compare Frances to Choiseul, 21 Sept. 1768; and Same to Same, 23 Sept. 1768. Also A. Eliot, to T. Hollis, 27 Sept, 1768, and Same to Same, 17 Oct. 1768. They then dissolved themselves, lea
person who most merits to be observed, wrote Choiseul; Choiseul to the French Embassy at London,d to dismiss Shelburne. Compare Frances to Choiseul, 7 Oct. 1768. The assent of Camden was desireate more thoroughly submissive. Frances to Choiseul, 29 Sept. 1768. He needed money, being so poor as to have once told Choiseul with tears in his eyes, that if he lost the embassy which he then filled, he should be without resources Choiseul to Frances, 21 Sept. 1768. He had a passion also torival not Chatham, he would say, but Pitt; Choiseul to Frances, 12 Oct. 1768. though he could not You, answered Du Chatelet, Du Chatelet to Choiseul, 18 Nov. 1768; Same to Same, 28 Nov. 1768. mable octogenarian, he appealed to the heart of Choiseul. It may not be, answered Choiseul; France caChoiseul; France cannot bear the charge of supporting the Colony's precarious existence. On the tenth of July 1765, or the English Colonies; may they set about following it. Du Chatelet to Choiseul, 24 Feb. 1769. [4 more...]