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The Daily Dispatch: March 8, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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ed men was to employ an additional clerk. While he would not advocate any unnecessary increase, he still wished a sufficient number of clerks to do the work. He did not think that if these men did have to work until midnight, an increase of salary would shorten their labors. That did not seem to him the way to accomplish the object. Mr. Haynes thought that additional salary would at least be a matter of right, and would at least sweeten their severe labors, and it should be given. Mr. Clark, of Alabama, (interrupting,) on the principle the "laborer is worthy of his hire." The bill did not meet general approval and failed to pass. House of Representatives. Friday, March 7, 1862. In the House of Representatives, Mr. Crilton, of Ala., asked the Chairman of the Military Committee what action had been taken with reference to a resolution he had submitted, several days ago, instructing that committee to inquire into the expediency of raising an additional force of two