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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. 12 0 Browse Search
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selectmen voted that the guns of the Magoun Battery be placed in charge of Captain Clark's command, i.e., the Lawrence Light Guard. May 28, 1888, Captain Clark repoCaptain Clark reported that the guns were exposed to the weather and ought to be covered. This was referred to Mr. Clark (William P. Clark, chairman of the board). On April 2, 1889, Mr. Clark (William P. Clark, chairman of the board). On April 2, 1889, Mr. Clark was made a committee on the care of and placing the guns in position at the library. Two weeks later he reported, the library committee desired no furtherWilliam P. Clark, chairman of the board). On April 2, 1889, Mr. Clark was made a committee on the care of and placing the guns in position at the library. Two weeks later he reported, the library committee desired no further action. January 2, 1890, that committee was invited to confer with the selectmen, and on the 28th James A. Hervey appeared thereabout. He stated, the committee do Mr. Clark was made a committee on the care of and placing the guns in position at the library. Two weeks later he reported, the library committee desired no further action. January 2, 1890, that committee was invited to confer with the selectmen, and on the 28th James A. Hervey appeared thereabout. He stated, the committee do not consider the grounds a suitable place (the local press has quoted him, the library is neither a fort or an arsenal), and suggested that the guns be sold and booo their final disposal correct. But what of the cannon that were placed in Captain Clark's charge thirty years ago? Some three years since we learned of their loca