We have the honor to be, with profound esteem,
Your obedient servants, Louis T. Wigfall, John Hemphill, D. L. Yulee, S. R. Mallory, Jefferson Davis, C. C. Clay, Jr., Benjamin Fitzpatrick, A. Iverson, John Slidell, J. P. Benjamin.
letter of Hon. I. W. Hayne in reply to Senators from seceding States
Washington, Januarr counsels with hers.
We are, with great respect, your obedient servants, Louis T. Wigfall, John Hemphill, D. L. Yulee, John Slidell, J. P. Benjamin, C. C. Clay, Jr. A. Iverson,
P. S.—Some of the signatures to the former letter addressed to you are not affixed to the foregoing communication, in consequence of the f Hon. I. W. Hayne to Senators of seceding States To the Honorable Louis T. Wigfall, D. L. Yulee, J. P. Benjamin, A. Iverson, John Hemphill, John Slidell, and C. C. Clay, Jr.
Gentlemen: I have received your letter of the 23d inst., inclosing a communication dated the 22d inst., addressed to Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Mallory, and Slid
Carthage, Battle of, 365, 368.
Cass, Gen., Lewis, 32, 33. Resignation as U. S. Secretary of State, 183.
Chandler, Z. Letter to Gov. Blair, 215.
Charleston, S. C. Harbor forts, 181-83.
Chase, —, 231.
Cheney (ship), 339.
Chesnut, Col., James, 246, 247, 248, 305, 319,320, 321. Extract from letter concerning Davis, 205-06.
Chew, —, 236, 239.
Chinn's Hill, Battle of, 325.
Chisholm, Colonel, 324.
Clark, General, 369, 384.
Clarke, John B., 366.
Clay, C. C., 189. Letter in defense of Jefferson Davis, 177-78.
Henry, 10, 13-14.
Clayton, Alexander M. Extract of letter to Memphis appeal, 203-04.
Cobb, Howell, 204, 206. Thomas W., 9.
Cocke, Gen. Philip St. George, 309, 325, 329.
Collamer, —, 58.
Collins, John, Gov. of Rhode Island, 97.
Columbus (Ky.) Occupation by Confederate troops, 336-37.
Columbus (frigate), 285.
Community independence, 100-03.
Compromise Congress (See Peace Congress).