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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A list of Confederate officers, prisoners, who were held by Federal authority on Morris Island, S. C., under Confederate fire from September 7th to October 21st, 1864. (search)
ent C. H. Zzz=Capt. J. R. Christian, 3d Va. cav., New Kent C. H. Zzz=Capt. Lewis Harman, 3d Va. cav., Staunton. Zzz=Capt. A. Dobbins, 42d inft., Jacksonville. Zzz=Capt. J. W. Helm, 42d inft., Jacksonville. Zzz=Capt. A. R. Humes, 2d cav., Abingdon. Zzz=Capt. W. P. Duff, 50th inft., Jonesville. Zzz=Capt. D. L. Grayson, 10th inft., Luray, Page county. Zzz=Capt. G. W. Kelly, 50th inft., Tazewell county. Zzz=Capt. A. N. Finks, 10th inft., Madison C. H. Zzz=Capt. Thos. M. Cobble, 48th inft., Abingdon. Capt. W. T. McConnell, 48th inft., Estillsville. Zzz=Capt. W. S. Guthrie, 23d inft., Prince Edward C. H. Zzz=Capt. Jas. Dunlap, 26th battalion, Union, Monroe Co., W. Va. Zzz=Capt. A. M. Edgar, 27th battalion, Lewisburg, W. Va. Zzz=Capt. I. A. Lipps, 50th Va. inft., Wise C. H. Zzz=Capt. J. O. B. Crocker, 9th Va. inft., Norfolk. Zzz=Capt. B. Horton, 11th Va. inft., Campbell county. Zzz=Capt. R. C. Gillespie, 45th Va. inft., Fort Worth, Texas. Zz