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E Blinco Geo H Berry G F Bernecchi F Brown Ed Blankenship C Blackburn C Blenne C J Bloomer A Conner R O Caligan J Catterie J W Claiborne T N Conners J Carter J B Collins J W 2 Crump J D Caho W A Colgin Wm Coleridge H R Chandler H J Clark G B Corie D Clarke T Carey T V Clerry T Carter T J Crow T Camden G Chastoma G Christian F Cushing L Cowan S Crouch E Crump E J Croney E Chase E E Cogbill R T Clemmett R A Christian P H Crow P Collier C H Craddock C B Chesser C Coulding D Cohen N A Casey Martin Cofferer M Connor L Carr A Cary A Chapin A Candy B F Caryl J Croakley J B Chandley J Cocklin J Chiles J R Campbell J C Camper J Cox J N Chutten J Cobb J Clark J Casgrove J Cahill Wm Carter Wm Curry W J Clesenham W Dugar Andw J Doherty M C O Danavan B Dilworth & Orr Dooly Pat D
egroes, Bonner and Temple, were tried and convicted of an attempt to commit a rape on a white girl, some three months ago. The former was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years, (he ought to have been hung,) and the latter for five years. The Court will meet to-morrow, when several criminal cases will be tried, among them Mr. Kershaw, for the murder of Lavelle, near two years ago. At an election in the Petersburg City Guard, on Friday, Corporal Wiley Branch was elected Junior Second Lieutenant, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Capt. John P. May to Major of the 12th Virginia Regiment. Corporal Cogbill was appointed Orderly Sergeant. I learned late yesterday evening that the Monitor and four gunboats were at City Point, awaiting an opportunity to send forth their marauding parties to plunder that immediate neighborhood. City Point has been evacuated, the last to leave being an old negro woman. So they have full away in that section. T. Jay.
2d company, none killed; Crane, H. Barnes, and L. R. Barnes wounded. In 3d company, none killed; Wickham and Anderson wounded." 1st Louisiana Regiment.--In the battle of Chancellorsville this noble regiment was commanded by Gen. Nichols, who received a severe wound in the left foot, necessitating its amputation; Major Nelligan was wounded in the left thigh; Capt Cummings in the head; Lieut Gill in the stomach. Lieut Kernan was killed. Capt. W. W. Parker's Artillery.--The first section of this battery was placed on the plank road, where two or three men were wounded, but no lives lost. The second section, Lt. J. T. Brown commanding, was placed on Marye's Heights, and was captured on Sunday, along with Serg'ts Duffee and Cogbill, and privates D. A Brown, je, Curlby, McGid, and Shorter. Privates Hancock and Lockwick, Buck Jones, and Dock Howard, were slightly wounded on the Heights, but escaped. No lives were lost there. Seven horses were killed in the second section.
Fire in Petersburg. --A fire occurred in Petersburg, Va, on Tuesday morning, cuttingly destroying the snuff manufactory of Messrs Lynch & Aiken, the barrel manufactory of Messrs Baghy & Stewart, the flour and grist mill of Messrs Lynch & Dugger, and the extensive flour and corn miles belonging to Messrs Cogbill & Weeks.