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the session. Mr. Brannon moved to indefinitely postpone. Ayes and noes demanded — aves 19, noes 15. Postponed. Unfinished Business.--The resolution of Mr. Coghill, for a suspension of appropriations to internal improvements, which was under consideration when the Senate adjourned yesterday, coming up as unfinished busines Nelson moved to lay the resolution on the table. Yeas and nays demanded, and recorded as follows: Yeas--Messrs. August, Brannon, Bruce, Carson, Claiborne, Coghill, Day, Dickenson of Grayson, Finly, Finney, Greever, Logan, Lynch, Nash, Neason, Newlon, Paxton, Quesenberry, Smith, Thompson, and Urquhart--21. Nays,--MessrsTreasury by the Clerk of the Court. The proposition caused some discussion, in which Messrs. Stuart and August opposed the bill, and Messrs. Early, Bruce and Coghill argued in its favor. The amendment of Mr. Paxton coming up, the yeas and nays were demanded — yeas 13, nays 15. An unsuccessful motion to adjourn was ma