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onists, who numbered between three and four hundred, carried Smith's Band long with them, Hon. Roger A. Pryor going over in the same train. They were met at the depot in Petersburg by an immense throng, who gave them an enthusiastic reception. One hundred and fifty cannon were fired, the air resounding with the cheering of the multitude and the music of Felvy's brass band. A procession was formed and marched into the city, carrying some sixty transparencies in line, bearing various mottoes and devices.-- The city was illuminated and a vast number of fire-works were used up. Everything and everybody seemed to be filled with the spirit of the occasion. The Richmond guests were introduced by Ro. R. Collier, Esq. Addresses were made by B. B. Douglass, Wm. F. Gordon, Thos. T. Cropper, Chas. S. Stringfellow, and others. The excursionists, after heartily enjoying themselves, returned to this city at 2 ½ o'clock yesterday morning, highly delighted with everything they saw, heard or did.