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John James Geer, Beyond the lines: A Yankee prisoner loose in Dixie | 38 | 4 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in John James Geer, Beyond the lines: A Yankee prisoner loose in Dixie. You can also browse the collection for A. P. Collins or search for A. P. Collins in all documents.
Your search returned 21 results in 10 document sections:
John James Geer, Beyond the lines: A Yankee prisoner loose in Dixie, Preface. (search)
Chapter 7:
a Southern Unionist in the rebel army
beneath a Georgia sun
secession speech
thoughts of home-political prisoners
horrible place
offer of the Gospel-Lieutenant A. P. Collins
contemplated escape
robes of blood!
Pinning a Federal soldier to the ground.
We were next taken to Macon, Georgia.
Traveling by night in box-cars, we had little opportunity to see the country.
We were much annoyed on this trip by drunken, profane, and sleepy guards.
Their cuffs to force us to become listeners to sentiments which were utterly incompatible with our views of patriotism and Christianity.
But they parleyed, and finally desisted from their threats.
It was here that I first became acquainted with Lieutenant A. P. Collins, a gentleman of refinement and culture, and with whom I was destined afterward to share incredible sufferings and perils.
He was a religious man, and a graduate of the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio.
He had in his possessio