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us new-comer, who called out: How are you, secesh? The query was instantly made: Who are you, Yanks? The truth of the matter was, we learn from prisoners, that they had heard of the advance to Ashby's Gap, and had arranged for serious opposition in that quarter; but, as their scouts in Snicker's Gap were fortunately captured, they had no intimation whatever of the force advancing from that direction. One of the scouts taken was much chopfallen, particularly because he had a good horse, two Colt's revolvers, a carbine, and sword. He came up to a squad of men, and asked if they were confeds. They beckoned for him to come in, and he did so, under the supposition that they belonged to White's battalion. When told that he was a prisoner, he said they had deceived him, and declared that he had been swindled. The advance upon arriving near the ferry, was commanded by Col. Wyndham, of the First New-Jersey cavalry. Gen. Stahel directed a detail of dismounted carbineers to advance to th
uding the garrison flag, which was captured by Captain Ennis, one of General Smith's aids-de-camp. General Burbridge planted the American flag upon the Fort which had been placed in his hands as a tribute to his gallantry, by General Smith, for that purpose. Besides these, five thousand prisoners; seventeen pieces of cannon, large and small; ten gun-carriages, and eleven limbers; three thousand stands of small arms, exclusive of many lost or destroyed; one hundred and thirty swords, fifty Colt's pistols; forty cans of powder; one thousand six hundred and fifty rounds of shot, shell, and canister for ten and twenty-pounder Parrott guns; three hundred and seventy-five shells, grape-stands and canister; forty-six thousand rounds of ammunition for small arms; five hundred and sixty-three animals, together with a considerable quantity of quartermaster and commissary stores, fell into our hands. Of these captures, seven pieces of cannon had been destroyed by the fire of our artillery an
e enemy. Respectfully, Roger A. Pryor, Brigadier-General Commanding. From a member of Captain Wright's battery, which is composed chiefly of volunteers from Halifax County, Va., and who were in the fight, we have obtained a few additional particulars: Some two hours or more before the dawn of day Friday, our pickets were driven in by two regiments of mounted men, and a few minutes thereafter the enemy's artillery opened on our bivouac fires. We immediately replied with guns of Captain Colt's S. C. battery, and one section of Capt. Wright's. The enemy's shell fell thick and fast in our immediate vicinity, but our boys stood manfully to their guns, and gave the vandals as much and as good as they sent. At daylight the artillery duel ceased, and the fight was then maintained with musketry for about one hour, when the enemy ceased firing and fell back. We held our position, but the enemy not advancing and showing no disposition to renew the fight, General Pryor retired to C
lities of a great general, and they were not wanting. Gen. Smith had the recall sounded, and slowly and sullenly commenced falling back in a slow walk. Had he started on a run, his command would inevitably have been lost. But he had the advantage of position, and well he availed himself of it. Behind fences and such natural fortifications as he could find, he formed lines of battle in the rear, and sufficiently checked the advance of the overwhelming hosts. The Second Michigan, with their Colt's rifles, had to fire three successive volleys in one furious charge of Wheeler's motley crew, before they turned tail. The powder from the last discharge flashed in the faces of the rebel horses, and they turned and fled. This rear line would then fall back behind another, and so on for two miles, when the rebels getting sick of it or fearing reenforements, abandoned the pursuit, and Gen. Smith brought his command into camp without losing a man as prisoner, bringing in forty-seven of the e
sewhere this morning. The St. Joseph Herald learns the following additional particulars from an eye-witness: The steamboat had arrived at Sibley's Landing where the channel was close to shore, and was hailed by some men on the bank, followed by the cracking of a dozen or more guns. The pilot put her in shore, and George Todd and about twenty-five of his gang of guerrillas came aboard. It was almost morning, and there was no moon. The Rebels were dressed in butternut, having a pair of Colt's navy revolvers each, (and some as many as three and four,) and shot-guns and rifles. Todd wore a large cloth coat, with an ample cape and flowing sleeves, and had also a slouched hat, which he soon exchanged with a passenger for a new light-colored beaver. He gave the command, and the work of murder commenced. The passengers were mostly ladies, and the few gentlemen were unarmed. They first killed George Meyer, by shooting him in the back. Meyer was formerly in this city, and when Co
ction of Law's mountain howitzer battery placed in position on our centre. They now drew up in line of battle, when the Second Ohio cavalry, Colonel Kautz, was ordered to attack them. Major Gratz, Gen. Carter's Adjutant-General, begged permission to accompany them, when he, with Captain Pike, of company I), Second Ohio cavalry, followed by his splendid command, (the escort of the General,) and the remainder of the regiment, dashed off in splendid style. But the rebels would not stand. Our Colt's revolving rifles sent their little messengers whizzing about their ears, and away they went. The chase was kept up for five miles, the enemy carrying off their dead and wounded. The rebels, in this pursuit, disrobed themselves of their lousy overcoats, haversacks, canteens, etc., leaving their track marked by a shower of greasy butternut garments. The Second East-Tennessee, Colonel Carter, arriving, with a section of the Wilder battery, under Lieut. Ricketts, the Forty-fifth Ohio, Colone