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lying about. Our loss must have been considerable from the number of ambulances with wounded and wagons with the dead which we met on their way to Frederick. Took up 12 P. M. July 10.--Daylight start; our battalion as advanced guard; found a Colt's army repeater, No. 47,868, under a dead horse; marched beyond encampment — had to come back — making our march about twenty-six miles. The inhabitants are badly scared; our cavalry are driving all before them, and we have to make forced marches e for $25; learn the force we were opposed to yesterday was 10,000 cavalry; cannonading toward evening, about Bolivar Hights; buried Lieutenant Colonel Wolfe with military honors; 4 P. M. marched back to Leetown; encamped at dark; Captain bought a Colt's navy pistol for $1 50. August 27.--Clear; took road and arrived at Bunker Hill. August 28.--Clear; Sunday, rest, preaching; T. Stuart brought in a lot of pine-apples; enjoying them, when fall in admonished us there was no rest for the wick
lding, seventy feet by forty feet; sixty looms and two thousand spindles, cotton. Made two thousand yards cloth each day. Haiman's Iron Foundry--One small engine. Rock Island Paper Mill — Manufactured printing, letter, and wrapping paper. Columbus Iron Works — Sabres, bayonets, and trace chains were here made. One thousand stand of arms found. Haiman's Pistol Factory — This establishment repaired small arms, made locks, and was about ready to commence making revolvers similar to Colt's Army. Hughs, Daniel & Co.'s Warehouse--Ten thousand bales cotton. Presses and type of following named newspapers: Columbus Sun, Columbus Enquirer, Columbus Times, and the type, one press, &c., of Memphis Appeal. The following is a list of pieces and calibre of artillery which was either partially or wholly destroyed, viz.: one ten-inch columbiad, four ten-pounder Parrotts, one ten-pounder smooth bore, and eighteen six-pounder and twelve-pounder guns and howitzers, with limbers a<