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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for C. B. Conrad or search for C. B. Conrad in all documents.
Your search returned 2 results in 2 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], Good Sale of Negroes. (search)
Generals appointed.
--The following Divisions and Brigadier Generals were appointed and commissioned by Gov. Letcher, on the 9th of April
Major Generals.
1stDivisionOdin G. ClayCampbell co.
2dDivisionAsa RogersLoudoun co.
3dDivisionTho. S. HaymondMarion county.
5thDivisionKenton HarperAugusta co.
Brigadier Generals.
4thDiv.9thBrigGeo.Blow,Jr.Norfolk city.
2dDiv1stBrigJas.L KemperMadison co.
4thDiv8thBrigWm.B. ShandsSouthampton.
1stDiv4thBrigwm.C. Scott.Powhatan co.
5thDiv13thBrigW. H. HarmanAugustaco.
3dDiv20thBrigC. B. ConradGilmerco.
2dDiv6thBrigRo.L. WrightLoudounco.
2dDiv3dBrigC.G. ColemanLouisaco.
1stDiv12thBrigJubal A. EarlyFranklin co.
5thDiv28thBrig>Reece T. BowenTazewell co.
4thDiv2dBrigThos. P. August.Richmond city.
In the 12th Brigade and 1st Division, Hughes Dillard is superceded by Maj. Early.