Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Henry Cooper or search for Henry Cooper in all documents.

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A. Wright a certain sum of money paid on erroneous assessment; refunding to John H. Showalter a license tax improperly paid by him; for the relief of Thomas Javins, of Fairfax county; for the relief of Chas. A. Hoge and James Musgrove; appropriating one million of dollars for the defence of the Commonwealth: amending the 1st section of an act entitled "an act for the encouragement of certain Volunteer Military Companies in the city of Wheeling," passed March 27th, 1858; for the relief of Henry Cooper, of Frederick county; refunding to Louisa Hunter, of Alexandria county, taxes improperly paid; for the relief of Geo. W. Tucker, of Halifax county; for the relief of Angus M. Wood; for the relief of John W. Grove, of Frederick county. Resolutions.--The following resolutions were read and referred: By Mr. Rutherfoord, to enquire whether any, and if any, what further legislation be necessary, to give effect and force to the new edition of the Code of Virginia, provided for by the act o
By Dickinson, Hill & Co., Auct's. Two Valuable Slaves at Auction.--I shall sell this day, (Friday) the 18th January, 1861, at 10 o'clock, for cash, at the auction store of Messrs. Dickinson, Hill & Co., in the city of Richmond, two as valuable and likely Slaves as are in the Commonwealth, between 25 and 30 years of age, one is a valuable Cooper and Carpenter; the other a Farm hand.--Sold under a decree of the County Court of Chesterfield in the Chancery suit of ann Belcher. Edward Cousins, Com'r. Dickinson, Hill & Co., Aucts. ja 18--1t*