Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Henry Cooper or search for Henry Cooper in all documents.

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Mayor's Court. --The only case of any prominence investigated by the Mayor yesterday was the charge against Wm. Langdon, of shooting at a slave named Henry Cooper, the property of John A. Belvin, the particulars of which we have already published. There was no provocation for the offence beyond the negro's proper refusal to take Langdon to ride in his hack, except upon condition that the fare be paid in advance. For this he was deliberately shot at in a public street, and only escaped death by the narrowest chance. Lang don was remanned, to be further examined before the Hustings Court for felonious shooting. Frank Livingston, formerly a private in Col. Zoulakowski's regiment, from Louisiana, charged with obtaining money by false pretences, was brought into Court yesterday, but no further investigation of the case was had, owing to the absence of important witnesses. Continued to the 23d instant. A fine of $20 was imposed upon Thomas Phillips for keeping his bar-roo
The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], Seizure of a steamer — examination of Passengers — a Lady's Petticoat Quilted with Sewing Silk. (search)
Kansas receiving her Chastisement. --The Little Rock (Ark.) State Journal, of the 1st inst., says: The Indian and Texas regiments, under Cols. Cooper, Stand Watie, Young, and Whitfield, are advancing and cleaning out Kansas, as they go. The towns of Fort Scott, Mound City, Lecompton, Topeka, and Lawrence are in ashes. This is fighting the devil with fire. Verily the way of the transgressor is hard. The whole population of Northern Kansas is represented as in a wholesale stampede, and fleeing to lowa and Nebraska in terror.