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Your search returned 62 results in 19 document sections:
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 249 (search)
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Third Regiment N. Y. Volunteers . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1861., [Electronic resource], The National Crisis. (search)
By Dickinson, Hill & Co., Auct's.
Two Valuable Slaves at Auction.--I shall sell this day, (Friday) the 18th January, 1861, at 10 o'clock, for cash, at the auction store of Messrs. Dickinson, Hill & Co., in the city of Richmond, two as valuable and likely Slaves as are in the Commonwealth, between 25 and 30 years of age, one is a valuable Cooper and Carpenter; the other a Farm hand.--Sold under a decree of the County Court of Chesterfield in the Chancery suit of ann Belcher. Edward Cousins, Com'r. Dickinson, Hill & Co., Aucts. ja 18--1t*
The late shooting case.
--Henry Cooper, who shot John Lindsey in the Dime Saloon on Wednesday morning, was carried before the Mayor yesterday.
Several witnesses were examined.
One of them, Mr. Harrison, of Arkansas, testified that Mr. L. was choking Cooper when he fired; another, Mr. Hayward, testified that he did not see Cooper when he fired; another, Mr. Hayward, testified that he did not see Mr. L. have his hand on prisoner, but that he was advancing on him, telling him to shoot, when the pistol was presented and discharged; another witness testified that Cooper said he would have shot C. G. Thompson, who arrested him, if he had not thought he was an officer.
Capt. A. G. Dickinson, of the Palmer Guards, Texas BattaliCooper said he would have shot C. G. Thompson, who arrested him, if he had not thought he was an officer.
Capt. A. G. Dickinson, of the Palmer Guards, Texas Battalion, to which accused is attached, said that he had been informed by Dr. Peachy and another physician that there was an entire probability that Mr. Lindsey would soon recover from the effects of the wound.
It was also stated that the ball, which had passed entirely through the stomach and lodged in the thigh, had been extracted.
Dangerously ill.
--It was said yesterday that the condition of Mr. John Lindsey, shot on Wednesday by Henry Cooper, was not so favorable as it had been, and that the weather was decidedly against the chances of his recovery.
Cooper will be before the Mayor again to-day, to be examined for committing the offence.
Dangerously ill.
--It was said yesterday that the condition of Mr. John Lindsey, shot on Wednesday by Henry Cooper, was not so favorable as it had been, and that the weather was decidedly against the chances of his recovery.
Cooper will be before the Mayor again to-day, to be examined for committing the offence.
The Daily Dispatch: July 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Palmetto flag at St. John 's, N. B. (search)
--The examination of Henry Cooper for shooting John Lindsay, on last Wednesday, had before the Mayor on Saturday, resulted in the acquittal of the accused.
The testimony of the witnesses made it appear a decided case of self-defence on the part of Cooper.
--The examination of Henry Cooper for shooting John Lindsay, on last Wednesday, had before the Mayor on Saturday, resulted in the acquittal of the accused.
The testimony of the witnesses made it appear a decided case of self-defence on the part of Cooper.