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The Daily Dispatch: November 10, 1860., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 6, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The execution of Dr. David Minton Wright (search)
nces, fully attested the consternation with which they received the Confederate salutation. They deflected their march and moved on until they intersected the Princess Anne road, a distance of seventeen miles, and approached the city from that direction. In the meantime the city officials had held a meeting and drawn up the terms of surrender, and deputed Mayor Lamb, the father of our present Colonel William Lamb, Mr. J. B. Whitehead, Mr. Charles H. Rowland, Mr. George W. Camp, and Captain James Cornick, to proceed to meet General Wool beyond the city limits, and arrange the terms of surrender. They went out in two carriages just beyond a little bridge across Princess Anne avenue, a short distance beyond Chapel street, which was the eastern boundary of the city. Here they raised a white handkerchief on a pole, and awaited the approach of the Federals. In a short time a squad of videttes rode up, who were informed that these gentlemen were city officials and desired to see Gener
Directors101,653 4195,538 3102,061 32 Aggregate debt due by the Bank2,800,832 242,682 305 042,697,458 82 Aggregate of outstanding debt due to the Bank5,587,837 05,376,662 575,455,567 48 This includes all bills drawn within the State and payable at any distant point within or without the State, also Sterling Bills. The undersigned, Directors of the Exchange Bank of Virginia, certify that the foregoing statement has been examined, and is believed to be correct. W. H. Sharp, James Cornick, Chas. H. Shield, Samuel H. Hodges, C. W. Grandy. Richard Dickson. State Of Virginia, City Of Norfolk, To Wit: G. W. Camp, Cashier of the Exchange Bank of Virginia, this day personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace, of the city aforesaid, and made oath that the above statement, made out from the books of the Bank, and from the quarterly returns received from the Branches, is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. Given under my hand thi
1 Loans to Directors94,635.4396,400.5399,473.66 Aggregate debt due by the Bank2,663,689.892,522,115.562,715,185.18 Aggregate of debts due to the Bank5,542,872.725,429,517.935,616,325.10 *This includes bills payable at distant points in and out of the State; also, Sterling Bills. We, the undersigned, Directors of the Exchange Bank of Virginia, certify that the foregoing statement has been examined, and is believed to be correct. W. H. Sharp, President, Richard Dickson, James Cornick, Wm. S. Camp, Chas. H. Shield, Samuel H. Hodges, State of Virginia, City of Norfolk, to wit: G. W. Camp, Cashier of the Exchange Bank of Virginia, this day personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace of the city aforesaid, and made oath that the above statement, made out from the books of the Bank and from the quarterly returns received from the Branches, is correct, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Given under my hand, this 24th day of January