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her with some in my possession, seem to settle the question. Mathew Cradock, first Governor of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, owned or Winthrop in 1630, two, the Ambrose and Jewel, were owned by Governor Cradock. His farmers, shipwrights and fishermen came in them, and som is proved from the fact that the large grant of land, made to Governor Cradock by the General Court, March 4, 1634, was called by the Cradocknor of Metford in Staffordshire. That the laborers, sent by Governor Cradock, should not have known exactly how to spell the name they had rm the above suppositions. March 1, 1644 (the year in which Governor Cradock died) his widow rents half of her Manor in Metford in New Engls. June 2, 1652, after the death of the widow, the heirs of Governor Cradock give a quitclaim deed of said land to Ed. Collins; and in thatly confirm the supposition that it was first called Metford by Governor Cradock's men, after Metford in Staffordshire, but suffered orthograph