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John James Geer, Beyond the lines: A Yankee prisoner loose in Dixie 23 7 Browse Search
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t of our pursuit interesting advertisement in jail again Captain Clay Crawford prison fare rebel barbarities taking comfort. In due anded to me. In it I noticed an account of the recapture of Captain Clay Crawford, who was in prison with us, and had escaped at the same timious vermin. We ascertained that it was true concerning Captain Clay Crawford's recapture. He belonged to a Missouri regiment, and was aan well versed in military matters. Hearing of our return, Captain Crawford, who was confined close to us, made himself known, and a conve the South and Southern officers, and the fact that there was a Captain Crawford in the rebel army, assisted him greatly. In one or two placee exceedingly. With the return of daylight, conversation with Captain Crawford was resumed, and we learned that in his cell with him was a ma would have been much worse, but for the converse we held with Captain Crawford and Mr. Rowley, whose principal theme was the lightness of the
Chapter 15: An earnest prayer what came of it a Skeptic Fiend stratagem reflections and opinions on the peculiar institution. Night again found me still suffering, and still a captive. The next day I heard from Captain Crawford that the prayer which I put up that evening to the Throne of Grace was rather eccentric, very strong, and directed specially to the case of our oppressive jailor. I suppose it must have been rather so, for the jailor visited me the next day. His hou an' he's a white man, seed dem white fellers what blacked dar faces, an' he told so, an' den I was tuk out oa de cell. Here the poor creature started after the jailor for the performance of some duty. I was now desirous to know what Captain Crawford's candid opinion was concerning slavery, but the loud tones in which we were forced to talk prevented me, for fear of drawing down some cruel punishment upon us. I conversed on the subject, however, with my comrade, Lieutenant Collins, and
wait on us, to bring him an ax. Upon receiving it, he deliberately broke off the lock of a trunk that belonged to Captain Clay Crawford, and took therefrom a watch and several cards of jewelry. Soon after the darkey brought us our rations, and upon our speaking of the affair, he was quite surprised that we knew of it. He said the trunk was Mr. Crawford's, and smiled knowingly. Two days after, a party of men came for the trunk, and found it broken open, as I have stated. They, of course, cthe negro, and see with our own eyes the horrible treatment to which he had been subjected. As chance had it, Captain Clay Crawford himself had been a witness of all the proceedings, and upon seeing the negro so unmercifully beaten, he lost his attempt to do me violence. I then made a statement that my testimony could be corroborated, if necessary, by Captain Clay Crawford himself, and Lieutenant Collins, both officers in the United States army. He quibbled, and protested, and reason
ighting to keep the slave enchained: And we are free-but is there not One blot upon our name? Is our proud record written fair Upon the scroll of fame? Our banner floateth by the shore, Our flag upon the sea; But when the fettered slave is loosed, We shall be truly free. That night I shall never forget, for we took our prayer-meeting up to the second floor. We had gained in strength, and God had shed his blessing on our efforts, so that even the most profane man in our midst, Captain Crawford, was affected. Said he to me one day: After such demonstrations as I have witnessed in your prayer-meetings, all the devils in hell could not make me believe there was no reality in religion. As the rebel authorities were now arresting and imprisoning every man who refused to bear arms for the Confederacy, we had additions made to our numbers every morning. On one occasion, among a crowd that were brought in, was a very large man. He was five feet eight inches high, and we
ght be brought against her, as to doing him injury, exclaimed loudly: You did it yourself! you did it yourself! As we traveled to Mason, near the State line, between Virginia and North Carolina, we came to a stream across which was a trestle bridge. Upon reaching the bridge, a rebel soldier who had been standing on the platform of the car, and who was intoxicated, lost his balance and fell through the trestle-work, a distance of full thirty feet. He was seen to fall only by Captain Crawford and myself. He was not missed, however, until we had nearly reached Petersburg, Virginia, where it was discovered when they were about to change guards. This was many miles away from the bridge, and we informed Captain Collins of the accident the moment he came in. At Petersburg, we fell in with a rebel captain who was one of those fellows who can suit all crowds. He was much animated on the result of the Northern elections, and said that we would now most likely have peace. I a