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's and French's divisions, arrived on the field — Richardson some time after the other two, as he was unable to start as soon as they. Sedgwick, on the right, penetrated the woods in front of Hooker's and Mansfield's troops. French and Richardson were placed to the left of Sedgwick, thus attacking the enemy toward their left centre. Crawford's and Sedgwick's lines, however, yielded to a destructive fire of masses of the enemy in the woods, and, suffering greatly, (Generals Sedgwick and Crawford being among the wounded,) their troops fell back in disorder; they, nevertheless, rallied in the woods. The enemy's advance was, however, entirely checked by the destructive fire of our artillery. Franklin, who had been directed the day before to join the main army with two divisions, arrived on the field from Brownsville about an hour after, and Smith's division replaced Crawford's and Sedgwick's lines. Advancing steadily, it swept over the ground just lost, but now permanently retaken.
owing back the flanking columns of the enemy. At the same moment company B, Capt. Hopkins, company D, Lieut. Moore, company E, Capt. Gardner, company H, Lieut. Ball, and company K, Capt. Russell, of the Second Kansas, all under command of Capt. S. J. Crawford, made a gallant charge, driving in their centre, capturing their artillery, and bringing it in triumph from the field. The battle was now won; the enemy began flying in disorder before our victorious troops. The Second Indiana battery,thout bayonets, charged the enemy's line and artillery, and drove them from the field. To mention names where all, both officers and men, did their duty so well and so nobly, may seem, I fear, invidious. Yet I feel that I ought to say to Captain Crawford, who commanded the battalion that made the charge upon and captured the rebel battery, great credit is due for his gallantry; and the names of Capts. Ayres, Russell, Hopkins, and Gardner, and Lieuts. Moore, Cosgrove, Ballard, Lee, and Johnso
nth Kansas regiments of his brigade upon the right, a portion of the Kansas Second, (dismounted,) under command of Capt. S. J. Crawford; the right wing of the Kansas Eleventh, under Col. Ewing, and the First Indian, under Col. Wattles, upon the left,of the fight. The same is true of Col. Bowen and Major H. H. Williams, commanding regiments in the same brigade. Capt. S. J. Crawford, of the Second Kansas, who commanded a battalion of that regiment that fought on foot, displayed great gallantry; venth Kansas, under Colonel Ewing, and next, and last, upon the left, a small detachment of the Second Kansas, under Captain Crawford. The firing was general, and very rapid, with occasional lulls, during which we several times attempted to pass trs. I desire to express my grateful acknowledgments to Col. Ewing, of the Eleventh Kansas, Lieut.-Col. Bassett and Capt. Crawford, of the Second Kansas, and Lieut. Stover, commanding the two howitzers, Capt. Rabb, commanding battery, their officer
untain, while their mounted riflemen were dismounted and their whole force massed on the sides and top of the mountain, which were covered with scattered timber and but little underbrush. The nature of the ground was such that I could not use my artillery to any advantage. and the mountain could not be taken in any other way except by storm. I accordingly ordered up the the Kansas Second and dismounted them; they charged up the steep acclivity in the advance, under the command of Capt. S. J. Crawford and Captain A. P. Russell--Major Fisk having been wounded by a piece of shell early in the day; next followed the Third Indian regiment, (Cherokees) under the command of Col. Phillips and its other field-officers, Lieutenant-Col. Downing and Major Foreman, voluntarily assisted by Major Van Antwerp, of my staff, and the Eleventh Kansas, under the command of its field-officers, Colonel Ewing, Lieut.-Col. Moonlight, and Major Plumb. The resistance of the rebels was stubborn and determin
Iron County. When they saw us, they immediately threw down baggage, consisting of guns, blankets, etc. They soon also left the negroes and horses that they were leading. They scattered into the woods in several directions. Our company divided also in quick pursuit, firing upon them as they ran. Being upon fresh horses, three of them made their escape with a horse each. Another that was wounded in the shoulder, made his escape into a thicket by leaving his horse. We captured five horses, one holster-pistol, many guns, blankets, saddles, and saddle-bags, and succeeded in killing two of the band, one of whom was in Mr. Brickey's pants that they had taken the night previous. We take no pleasure in putting to death any one in human shape, but know of no other way of ridding our country of midnight assassins that have been our greatest annoyance connected with this inexcusable rebellion, but to hunt them down and kill them. Nathaniel B. Reeves, Captain Company D, Crawford M. E.M.
! The wolf! Huzza! Huzza! and charged around the camp of their terrified foes. The head of the column, now half around their camp, the enemy began to rush for their arms, when Capt. Adams shouted: Halt! And present arms! All with the precision and coolness of veterans in a moment levelled their guns upon the now panic-stricken, confused enemy; and the Captain at the top of his voice called out: I demand your immediate, unconditional surrender. To whom must I surrender, called out Colonel Crawford in command of the Third Georgia cavalry, as he now stepped forward. To Captain Adams, commanding the First Kentucky cavalry, replied the Captain. Give me a few moments to consult my officers, will you? said the Colonel. I have no time to fool away, replied the Captain. Two minutes and a half, sir, and I will order my men to work upon you. If I have only that time, Captain, said the Colonel, I will surrender at once, expecting good treatment from so gallant an officer and such brav